FBXL Social

She was running this ad for a half million dollars per day every day and still lost Nevada

who built that eye cancer? how annoying

@RustyCrab sensory overload ad for attention-deficient zoomies

@kevinparaguay if I knew nothing about her I would vote for the other guy out of spite for giving me a migraine

@RustyCrab imagine living near that thing

@deprecated_ii @RustyCrab it'd be a real shame if something happened to all the copper wire needed to power it

btw if yall have about a hundred feet of 4/0 or thicker gween THHN or XHHW i could use it
i've been looking into lightning protection

Heh.... You think your lightning protection will do anything.....

@RustyCrab Imagine someone hacking that thing and showing Nikocado butthole or something atrocious like that

when i see political ads my first thought is usually closer to a fedpost than "I'm gonna vote for that person"

>he sees ads

@tyler @RustyCrab @deprecated_ii there are towers that survive being the tallest thing for miles around
they must know the secrets

@sneeden terrorists in Iran sending their best to put up there

True true ...

Broadcast towers have to.

But for most of us, I don't think our mitigations are worth it. Just unplug your radio and panels during a storm.

tfw i can't blow up the billboards on the way to work

@Tsuki not with that attitude

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo should unironically be legal to burn billboards down imo

@RustyCrab @sneeden Bet you that the miniPC powering it was left on in a room with a default passkey lock or something like that.

@RustyCrab who thought a giant epilepsy ball was a good idea

@Forestofenchantment @sneeden end of the world stuff right here

@tyler @RustyCrab @deprecated_ii but chat, the severe tsunderestorm is when i'm most interested in receiving radio signals
usually the TV is nothing but trash, but when the weather man is showing where the radar indicated rotation is currently and where it's headed, that's kinda important

NOAA weather frequencies but I am speaking from having an amateur radio antenna at 40 feet or something

@icedquinn @RustyCrab I think one of the number one investors on that was bono (Iโ€™m not joking)

@tyler @RustyCrab @deprecated_ii i have some little TV antennas that also do well enough for the weather band and FM broadcast band
some day i'll take the ham radio exam, i probably know 60% from dealing with enterprise wifi.

but either way, i've learned that a #12 copper wire won't do jack shit for anything but allowing a breaker to trip in case of a fault

@RustyCrab @kevinparaguay I've never seen a "don't vote for me" ad before, but this idiot managed to make one.

eat donkey ass

Well when you're ready to hop onto the amatuer bands, the arrl books are pretty good. There's a lot there you will be like "yeah I know this" but others that might surprise you

Good luck!

i know

Lightning makes it's own fuses, 'cause insane voltages really don't like having to make turns. Those little ferrite doohickeys used to minimize RFI might have an unintended perk?

the horse mind virus is winning with this one

@MCMLXVIIOTG @RustyCrab @tyler @deprecated_ii if keeping the bend radius of grounding conductors large is good for helping fault along its way, then looping conductors tightly through a ferrite core can't be a bad thing

we may not be able to do much about 100,000 amps at a few million volts spewing everything from DC to daylight and getting into everything ever from inductive coupling
but at least we can bond everything together with dummy thicc wire and locate the communications and electrical entrances (and the SPDs on them) as close together as possible to minimize voltage differences between stuff we want not fucked up

I'm gonna cum

> minimize voltage differences
I know the principle, but I refuse to believe there isn't something else going on when they work on high tension wires with a helicopter. Same with downed lines doing things to the ground. Nope. It's some sort of voodoo (I'll still obey best practice if I encounter one, just saying)

@MCMLXVIIOTG @RustyCrab @skylar @tyler @deprecated_ii the thing that twists my brain still is the ungrounded Delta systems. Cause there's no ground reference from the source (low side of the transformer) a primary can lay on the ground with no arches or sparks. You can lay the same phase down the line on the ground and get current flow. Dangerous, but no big firework display until a different phase hits ground and the Earth acts like a short between phases.

capacitive leakage makes it dangerous bruh fr

@kevinparaguay @RustyCrab I had a hotel room directly across from the sphere. it was a shitty hotel and the blinds in my window were electronic and the button was broken, I couldn't even pull the blinds down, so I had to manually unwind them off of the spindle to get them to cover the light outside my window. and we would go outside to the smoking area and just stare at it. I think there's a stadium inside that does a grateful dead show with dancing bears all over the place. on the outside of it I never saw it do any commercials except once it was showing something for UFC.