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good morning. i hate right wingers, you people are disgusting, your entire ideology is based off a time when teenager girls were raped and trafficked, you are all closet pedophiles.

@eemmaa@girlboss.gaslight.love tbh ain't it still like this now

@ChristiJunior another hispanic midget prtending to be white and vegeta

We hate you too, repulsive unfuckable tranny. KYS.

@Grumblesock you are a pedophile

@eemmaa@girlboss.gaslight.love nice bait. 8/8. Now don't forget to take your HRT and shove the spacer in your septic hole.

@Wiz you are openly literally a pedophile

>yer digusting
Ok, stinkditch

@AlabasterBrick you are a pedophile

Impossible, I am not jewish. Die in a fire groomerfaggot.

But girls are raped and trafficked enmass now by multinational networks, kind of takes all the sting out of complaining that people prefer an earlier social arrangement where this wasnt tolerated.

[citation needed]

@udongle @Wiz ya collecting loli porn and being at loli.church just not enough evidence

@eemmaa Are you sure you want to accuse other people of Pretending to be something they're not, trannyfag?

@LovecraftEnthusiast you are a pedophile

@eemmaa take ur meds

scared of a four letter word?

@udongle @Wiz no im tired of being harrassed be third world losers pretending to be white and far right

You will never experience the joy of a loving natural family, you abominable freak. Your hopefully short days will be filled with empty vanities as you forever chase a satisfaction that will forever escape you. Eventually, it will consume you and you will take your own life or lash out in violence. Hopefully the former.

Kill yourself.

I love my fiancée who’s older than me :)

@eemmaa @Wiz Another anti-Loli tranny child rapist, how predictable.

Hark, the mannequin with a slit speaks!

Not really that's jew tranny shit, entirely your bailiwick. Stop touching kids and kill yourself.

If by "right wingers" you mean "right-wing" gabniggers then yeah you're 100% right

If you are going to make a troll sock puppet account to farm angry replies please at least put some actual effort into the bit, this is low effort fast food.

Funny how brown people are at the head of those rape and trafficking clans.

@eemmaa @Wiz @udongle it’s hilarious how many of the “white nationalists” on here on from places like Indonesia

@arcana @Wiz @udongle when you look inside your self and see something less than human, you sometimes decide to blame your people rather than yourself, so you suck up to the masters hoping they will treat you well.

@eemmaa trump still won

She’s the light of my life and I thank God she chooses to love me

@eemmaa It's so funny how the sides switched and the left started fucking little boys and cutting their cocks off which is even worse than just marrying off little girls lmao

@get fuck off tranny chaser faggot, the right will never actually accept you and always see through your fake based personality as a suck up loser.

good morning. i hate left wingers, you people are disgusting, your entire ideology is based off a time when teenager girls were raped and trafficked, you are all closet pedophiles.

I have a funny feeling the meds are part of the problem here.

The tranny fears the hag love

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa hoping he causes more of these people to kill themselves

scared of a third world country?

Scared of California apparently

tbh I'd be scared of California. it's hot and there's trannies and mexicans everywhere

Not to mention FMI (Fecal Matter Index)

California should be fed into a woodchipper

@eemmaa omg fashoomfies don't like me??? It's so over. I know U wanna suck on my chaser pp but I won't let u, I only have eyes for Caitlyn Jenner

@get @eemmaa both are bad, do people really have to compete

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa The right hasn't been marrying off little girls for like hundreds of years so it's not really a competition lmao

Unless you're counting sandniggers, which I don't support them I want them dead god bless Israel

@eemmaa @get uph based tranny chaser

@get @eemmaa blaire white here 🥰🥰🥰🥰

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa eh eh eh CAITLYN JENNER mmmm eh eh eh BLAIR4 WHITE the perfect THREE WAY I need CHUD TRANNY bussy NOW NOW

@tyler @eemmaa dawg youve literally posted about how you cope with not having a loving family

@get @eemmaa op is a liar..m I can't believe this

Leftist national anthem btw

@meso @eemmaa @tyler If he goes to church he'll get a wife eventually it's literally impossible to be in your late twenties / early thirties in church and not get a wife unironically

@get @eemmaa i couldn't with Caitlyn Jenner sorry.

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa mmmmmmmmm UOHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Trvke nvke, pedo's and nazi's aint gonna like this one

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa I LOVE CONSERVATIVE TRANNIES

supporting israel? cringe.
also right wing = rape? no idea wtf that's about.
stalin was way more rapey than hitler.

@get @eemmaa @mischievoustomato
Blair white should suck my balls whilst catyln jenner should run in womens sports because it'd be funny

I think you’ve got the wrong guy lmfao

@kazuya @eemmaa @mischievoustomato I support whoever kills the most sandniggers

I'm a stone cold truecel and also black as coal.

@get @eemmaa i look like that

@eemmaa @get
don't worry, tranny chasers aren't chasing after your 5 o'clock shadow buddy

So true Kang

@kazuya @eemmaa @get NO! MY BASED RAPIST RAPED MORE THAN YOUR BASED RAPIST kinda thread now

Man what lmao


Dawg I am a chudmaxxed skibidi lackrizz gooner with a left leaning phimosis micropenis filled to the brim with smegma. I literally posted about that in between when I came out as a goblinfucker electrokin and built my first sex machine out of an old ceiling fan and plywood (true story)

@mischievoustomato @eemmaa @kazuya Hitler never raped anyone anne frank isn't real it's a fetish book written by some random elementary school girls father after she committed suicide from being mentally retarded & gay

I'm originally a left-winger and I focus on racial issues. I've never called myself right-winger. Calm down nigger. You sound like a 40 year old woman with no eggs and 10 cats.

*taps sign*

Transjester ass niggas.....

@JoePrich @ChristiJunior @eemmaa @tyler this is unironically how I imagine joe biden is when the cameras turn off

kinda sus hitler had no kids for mr go to war over natalism

@kazuya @eemmaa @mischievoustomato I don't think he could have kids, his testicles were literally blown off by a gun during war I think. All the cocaine and meth probably didn't help either.

good morning. I hate left wingers. you people are disgusting, your entire ideology is based on propaganda and synthetics, all homosexuals are pedophiles, you think women have anything of value to offer to politics, and you live in the schizophrenic fantasy world where boys can become girls because Barney taught you to "just imagine"

@get @eemmaa @mischievoustomato @kazuya didn't he had like 4 brazilian girlfriends and 3 argentinian wives?

we need to save the white race!
*starts latina harem* 😳

@kazuya @EdBoatConnoisseur @eemmaa @get hitler and the poast guys have a lot in common

@kazuya @get @eemmaa @mischievoustomato iirc he was dating 2 of the brazilian women simultaneously and apparently got 3 of them pregnant then fled to argentina, in argentina he married 2 women the same year in different provinces, the marriages got revoked because they weren't legal... he still got both women pregnant... and then would later move a rural province were he married the third argentinian woman.

based and columbus pilled

@kazuya @eemmaa @mischievoustomato @EdBoatConnoisseur never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a nazi what race his wife is

manlets are the motive force of history. Nobody needs to do a revolution when they're already getting free pussy for being 6ft 5. Roundhouse kick a tallfag