If you're someone who's kind of already struggling what makes you think you're going to magically transform into a le epic jew slayer during even more austere conditions like the the "collapse" you say you want?
If you truly believed a collapse is
1. Desirable 2. Likely 3. Imminent
And your intention were to seriously assert your idealogy as a contended in a power vacuum you'd be joining PMC Wagner or Hamas/Hezbollah but you don't do that, you just want conditions to get worse for the normal people who are out competing you
@DEERBLOODYou are thinking too hard and being too cruel. People just want to kill undesireables (niggers and kikes) without the police coming after them.
@Jens_Rasmussen@DEERBLOODNo, He is just spitting Fire. This "I will be a Murderer....when the Consequences for Murder don't exist." Should leave your Body post the Age of 13. Either be what you claim, or don't claim it.
This ideology is so powerful that it doesn't matter that I don't have any institutional power or networks. Nietzsche spoke at length about this (don't check) and merely by adopting an edgy online aesthetic I'm literally saving the White race (you're welcome)
The literal bare minimum would be to try to keep your head down or maybe make some allies to help you stockpile bullets and antibiotics, but all these niggas do is go online and try to goad as many people as possible into wanting to murder them. Epic and very smart behavior for people who believe we're gonna be living in The Purge in 2029.
@DEERBLOODI have been preparing for the collapse by buying up as much stonks and crypto as I can and still keep the lights on. When you know the dollar is going to shit due to hyper inflation the solution is simple, get rid of dollars as fast as you can and acquire assets so you can be rich and flee the country if need be. Live well below your means. If you are married live the lifestyle that your lowest single income can support and then the other spouse stacks assets with all their money.
Our household has 5x the median salary of our area because all we do is stack wealth, buy assets and let compound interest do the work. Live with your parents, live with 5 fucking roommates, live as cheap as possible and use all your money to buy things that make money.
@Waldbrand@DEERBLOOD>People are not allowed to daydream about making the world a better place through vigilante justice By promoting "no fun allowed" you are effectively promoting participation in electoral politics, which is cringe and gay in the current day.
@DEERBLOODHunting and bushcraft would probably be better than rolling around with the subhumans and dying in their war (and also getting put on a government watch list while it still has the power to enforce that)
@DEERBLOODI am literally unable to own a gun, so I am not going to LARP-post. I am also more of a "when we win"-guy rather than a "when rules collapse"-guy.
@DEERBLOODCollapse is funny to joke about but real collapse is NOT funny. It is not desirable except from a perspective where you are 100% sure your ideology would prevail and are 100% ok with not getting to see it win. Shit looks scary as fuck and tbh Iβm not really happy right now but Iβm comfortable. things Can get better without a complete and utter destruction of the world as we know it. Do people really want to play irl kill your neighbor simulator and fetishize it
better watch out redneck incompetent white nationalists, or redneck incompetent white nationalists will woodchipper you. just a joke bro, I totally love white people, all nazis talk this way.
@DEERBLOOD They wanted people to go to Ukraine. No one talks about them anymore in part because of that. That's what it looks like when you try to recruit people to your militant IRL org online.
@kevinparaguay@Turdicus@monsterislandcolonizerI'm sure your job at discount tire or whatever is preparing you to be an absolute force multiplier. How many feds are you gonna take down? 1,000? 10,000?
@GriffithNo. I also don't think gab users are ever going to over throw the government or step up into a power vacuum in any form at any size if it collapses on its own
don't expect to get dissent credit when you're blowing the government by gatekeeping their critics for them is all I'm saying. it's cringe. I could listen to rachel maddow if I wanted to hear those takes.
@Owl@kevinparaguay@DEERBLOOD@Turdicus@monsterislandcolonizerMost of the people here romanticize the collapse and how they are gonna be the super bad ass post collapse, but the reality is they have never spoken to their family about a contingency plan a single time. Most of these people don't have a weeks worth of food and an edible ecology/bushcraft guide for their region.
>If you're someone who's kind of already struggling what makes you think you're going to magically transform into a le epic jew slayer during even more austere conditions like the the "collapse" you say you want? Ah yes this is about *literally every single person* who has every voiced a skeptical opinion about the US government What's the deal, did this just hit too close to home or something
@DEERBLOODIf you haven't been able to succeed on "easy mode" (zog w/ rules) then I don't think much of bluster about how surely you'll succeed on hard mode.
People look forward to the collapse because it resets everybody back to zero, wipes the slate clean, and there's always something attractive in that when you've got some regrets
@DEERBLOODThe collapseβ’οΈ is nothing more than the rightoid version of the zombie apocalypse. If some sort of regime collapse were to happen what it would be is a power struggle over the reigns or a fragmentation of central authority, not a societal breakdown that allows the "purge; purges require mass organization and significant societal control. If you look at the last time this happened on a major scale (the collapse of the Soviet Union) there was no breakdown of society and a state of war of all against all, the police will still hunt you down if you try to kill your "political enemies", albeit with less competence than before the crisis.
well considering you just post fuck whitey thread every week with your bros... you're not exactly believable. seems to me you're the loser jew, you can't even fake being a nationalist convincingly. What's the matter you worried your jew welfare is running out at this rate?
I don't know what that is or what that means but automatically accepting defeat because it fits with your current bastardized ideology is cringe shit. Be a man and get out there.
@JSDorn@DEERBLOODTime to ''Nietzsche is gay''-Post. >Be Richard Wagner, Fighter of the German Revolution, Scholar, Musician. Write several Plays with German Republican Leanings, Hellenic Leanings or sometimes Teutonic Romanticism. >Have pretty Wife (Cosima Wagner) who loves to have Discussions with You and loves challenging you in Debates. It annoys you to an Extent but also gets you going and endears you to her. >Eventually young Man called Friedrich Nietzsche writes you adoring Letter, you're surprised how well and intelligent he writes for his Age, invite him. >He comes to your Place. He is an interesting Debate Partner. Decide to talk to him from Time to Time. >Your Wife likes him too. >He starts seeing you as a Father Figure, you don't really like it, but whatever. >He falls in Love with your Wife....she friendzones him immediately. >He gives you his Philosophical Works...interesting, but not really to your liking. >You become older, eventually have a Revelation that you need to be more Christian and that your Old Hellenic Paganist Plays and your Republican Plays, were bad. >Realize even more than before that Jews are bad. >Guy that sees you as a Father doesn't like it...okay. >Write Christian Plays >Friedrich interprets these as somehow being directed at least somewhat at him, stops talking to you. Tries still talking to your Wife. >Wife tells him to go away (good Wife) >Meet King of Bavaria, Schizophrenic and highly depressed, but he loves your Music, doesn't even want to talk Politics, just wants you to listen to his Issues while seeing pretty Plays. >Fuck you pity him a lot, start treating him like a Son, try to get him to not be a complete Retard while ruling Bavaria. Stop him from abdicating and throwing the Country in Chaos. >Guy that wanted you to be his Dad now is really angry, starts writing Anti-Christian Diatribes. >King of Bavaria likes Jewish Artists Levi Hermann and Solomon Joseph Solomon, cringe, tell him to stop unless they babtize. He doesn't, You accept his Decission, You're not an Autist. >Guy who wanted you to be his Dad has decided to like Jews now. Still doesn't call you out personally. >You die. >Guy writes fucking Text against you, your Person, and your Philosophy shortly after and has a Mental Breakdown. >Guy dies of Syphillis.
@wgiwf@DEERBLOODI'm not disagreeing, but there are a number of reasons to believe a collapse of centralized control in the US would be more chaotic than the collapse of the USSR, not the least of which being that the various ethnicities of the Soviet empire were all still largely cordoned off by national boundaries, rather than being across the street from each other.
Iβm not a sock puppet you fucking moron this is my main I just respond with my opinion when I see dumbass takes on this dying site Elon ruined and even if I was Iβm a pretty good one cause I havent lost a single argument so far also Iβm not a liberal if you actually read my posts
Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.
Pardon me sir, I wish to contact you regarding the members of your fediverse instance. I have noticed that you have a majority of nazi, homophobic users, it is common sense that you should take action against such vile actors. If you do not condone my words and take action, I WILL defederate with your instance, and report your website to the American & Canadian authorities for hate speech and targeted harassment against my intellectual rights, my own person and many other poor people. This is my first and final warning.
Teaching young men to decenter women from their lives, hit the gym and *NEVER* marry hooas is unironically doing more to destabilize ZOG then these freaking clowns! Theres no way you can ever take these people seriously. Feet for your time.
@Owl@DEERBLOODI only got like 10% of my net worth in crypto and that's only because I bought in 2023 and up like 15-20x on everything. Got SOL under 20 bucks too.
@Owl@lonestarr@DEERBLOODGuns and Ammo are just boomer funko pops. None of the gun niggers are ever gonna do shit, if they were they would have done it during covid.
Well yeah, but at the very least you could barter them and they don't rely on a globe-spanning digital-electric infrastructure to maintain their existence much less their value.
"hmm today I will put my savings into the computer demon piggy bank in the sky. Yeah I know they're going to stop talking to me eventually but surely I will have sufficient warning to pull ALL my savings out from them before that happens! It's worth getting an extra 20% sometimes to take that risk!"
withhold approval fallacy. You're mod staff on the zog instance. you're not an authority on opposing the feds. you literally ban anyone who does too good a job at doing that lmao
you and your fed buddies post fuck whitey threads every week then act clueless about it when anyone says you're cringe. you're not alt right you're poorly disguised reddit commies.
imagine being so terminally online that you think a pair of sunglasses that has been around since 1935 at the absolute latest is a 5 year old gay jew meme and it makes me a fed
lmao good one I'm sure that would hold some relevance if my woman wasn't older than me, I had affiliation with a federal agency, and/or I was of a talmudic disposition
Ever hear the phrase, "better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it?" I'm not telling you to buy a gun for revolutionary purposes, I'm telling you to buy one because they're useful on their own and it's a great way to not get fucked up if something ever does happen; anything.
@lonestarr@Owl@DEERBLOODYou don't put all your money in crypto, its just another asset to diversify your portfolio. If you put all your eggs in one basket sooner or later you are going to get fucked. You should own all kinds of shit so long as they are assets that appreciate in value instead of spending it on stupid shit. All you gotta do is invest like 15-20% of what you make in a diversified portfolio of stocks, crypto, and real estate and you will be worth many millions of dollars in 20 years even if you make 40-50k a year which is not that much money.
Yeah ok. If you really think the collapse is coming any moment then why are you putting your money in places where you can't easily yoink it out and where it takes years to build up? You're retarded nigga
cringest fed thread in recent memory nicecrew.digital has always clearly been some midwit glownigger central command-experience fed needs to move those chromosomes over to spinster.xyz so I just instantly mute kthxbye
We do have a lot of 'ex-glowniggers', comparatively speaking. And they've clearly not forgotten their training because they use it to this day on people.
Same. When you get blocked by the same person twice but they're pretending to be two people that are married, it's kind of funny. I'm blocked by a whole family.
@DEERBLOOD>And your intention were to seriously assert your idealogy as a contended in a power vacuum you'd be joining PMC Wagner or Hamas/Hezbollah
Hmmmm...dunno about that chief, sounds very convenient for ZOG that wants all the proactive opposition to conveniently die somewhere in some backwater shithole far from home as no threat to their domestic power. While going and helping boot in the IDF's daipered asses might be fun, a few of us over there changes nothing on the chess-board. Does give Israel/US expeditionary forces carte blanche to drone-strike US citizens though. Can't see our families winning any lawsuits for compensation on those grounds so it'd not even be an effective profitable suicide. You might want to reconsider your manifesto there, it has some glaring flaws in assumption and reasoning.
@DEERBLOOD>Some people did something in another time in different circumstances therefore you must do this thing in current year in different circumstances
I'm not sure what someone's grandpa surviving the Spanish civil war has to do with going and getting droned in some distant shithole. Spain was in Europe where all the important shit was happening at the time. Most of the air and material support of that era was also decidedly on the Nationalist side. The "volunteers" suspiciously all left the armed forces from already Nationalist nations on the not very subtle approval of their respective governments as effectively expeditionary forces.
Explain to Fedi how individuals going and dying individually with shitskins in shitskin wars with modern guided munitions serves the White race. There's all sorts of ways White guys can get valuable experience before "hang out with thirdies in the middle of nowhere on the wrong side of the balance of fire-support" becomes the viable option.
Also you're essentially asserting everyone whose made a hypothetical "tough guy" post is inexperienced based on your baseless assumptions. In effect everyone is a LARPer unless they dox themselves to you. Like I said, curious logic.
@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODHope you donβt put money in a bank because thatβs a Centralized ledger that does the exact same fucking thing. 99% of money is fake digits on a computer. For bitcoin to go down the entire internet in the entire planet would have to be destroyed permanently. For that to happen it would probably be an extinction level event Or the entire world would be so unbelievably fucked if it wasnβt. Every thing depends on the internet almost as much as electricity.
@LorgarAurelian1488@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODBit coin extinction and bitcoin uselessness are different. If you have no internet access but they do in Europe you won't be spending any.
@Dudebro@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODBitcoin is more useful than gold. want to move 10 million in gold, better hire armed guards and a truck. 10 million in bitcoin? beep boop done.
@AsukaNeko@LorgarAurelian1488@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOOD alot of Bitcoin apps have p2p trading, that was the whole jest is that you can trade without needing internet cause that would be fucking retarded of needing internet service to spend your mons. π°
@lnx@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@Goalkeeper@OwlThese are just a bunch of nocoiners seething that they didnβt buy their bitsheckles in 2015 and coming up with copes and rationalizations for why they are poor thinking the fools are the people who invest money in things.
Why am I not surprised. I can't wait for the neuralink he will inevitably get to detach and start carving up his brain as it floats around like a piece of shrapnel.
@AsukaNeko@LorgarAurelian1488@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOOD I like crypto, I don't like the idea that the algorithm behind Bitcoin was created by the NSA. They can literally pull the rug under everyone and it'll all come tumbling down and what hasn't been killed off will moon.
@LorgarAurelian1488@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@Goalkeeper@Owl despite it being open source doesn't mean it's all that safe. I just feel like crypto is just another way the zog to wash their money into while manipulating the market for the folks that are trying to make a living.
@lnx@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@Goalkeeper@OwlOpen source means its not a black box, people can see exactly how the code works. If there was any vulnerability what so ever it would have been exploited by now. People actually did find a loophole with Etherium and used it to make big bucks, then they had to fork the chain to fix it which is why there is Etherium and Etherium classic. Etherium is much more complicated than bitcoin because it has smart contracts and other things beside being a simple ledger so there is more room for mistakes.
@Goalkeeper@Owl@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@lnxBitcoins code is well understood and if it had any issues the Jews at blackrock wouldn't have dumped tens of billions of dollars into it. You don't know what you are talking about. Your understanding of bitcoin is flat earth tier retard shit.
@Goalkeeper@Owl@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@lnxWell if you did and are admitting to it, that means I can probably find it online and doxx you, and so can libtard communists troon doxxors, so hope you didn't
@Goalkeeper@Owl@AsukaNeko@DEERBLOOD@lnxI'm not gonna do that because I am too busy stonk trading with 4 monitors, just saying don't give out breadcrumbs to psychos on the internet.
@LorgarAurelian1488@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODok, so here's what we do, insurance fraud to pay off the debt. We burn the country down, then go to the insurance company for the insurance money. Then we award government contracts to Halliburtron and other military contractors to rebuild America. Ah, the circle of life.
@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODThe only thing that can destroy my bitcoin is losing my private keys, its only a problem if you keep your coins on an exchange like a retard. Even then Coinbase has insurance and 99% of the crypto they have is kept in cold storage anyways.
I mean because it means total societal collapse. The only argument for bitcoin is it's protected against inflation and so are metals AND metals still hold value when the network goes tits up.
@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODBitcoin is a Global Digital asset so in order to collapse the entire world human civilization would have to collapse in which case everything you have is going to be worthless that is not necessary for immediate survival. Its really easy to have immediate survival covered with a few grand worth of supplies, I'm not prepping for yellowstone volcano extinction level event or nuclear war. If that shit happens you are fucked no matter what
@Omega_Variant@Goalkeeper@Owl@DEERBLOODBy the time the collapse happens I will have sold half of a bitcoin and bought 200 acres of land in montana with it Where I can dig gold out of the ground for free.
@Owl@Goalkeeper@Omega_Variant@DEERBLOODCollapses of large systems take decades. If you think all of a sudden things will go from totally fine to total collapse like some Hollywood disaster movie you are wrong. In both instances I would still be better off than any of the tards with no money arguing with me.
@Owl@Goalkeeper@Omega_Variant@DEERBLOODI can infer that anyone arguing against investing money in anything other than canned goods and ammo is a poor retard.
That's funny because I can guarantee that any idiot that has to brag about how much money they have, with so little sense that they do not know what "disaster" means and infers, is poor. Especially where it counts. Common sense.
@WoodshopHandman@Turdicus@DEERBLOODI buy that you would survive, with most People on here, I'm not (Me included, I would fuck up something and accidentally kill myself)