FBXL Social

'Subtlety' apparently isn't part of that high verbal IQ I keep hearing about

@TrevorGoodchild It's too bad these jew ratfucks won't just take the deal and will instead try to stab us in the back later.

Military support for Israel in exchange for confining jewish tricks to foreign lands is a deal I'd take in a heartbeat if it were actually offered in good faith

@poastoak You don't make deals with demons. You destroy them and their supporters. Every single one of them. By any means necessary.

Simple as

@TrevorGoodchild If Zionism was an effective strat for border cont...you know what, why am I even engaging indirectly with that fucker? Fuck Israel. Fuck AIPAC.


@TrevorGoodchild Ask these Zionist fuckheads why they didn't like Biden's cabinet since it was full of Jews.

@Professor_Groyper This smug faggot is telling Whites 'shut up, helots' and all I can think about is the sounds people make when you cut major peripheral nerves in their arms and legs

@TrevorGoodchild Any account which unironically retweets CaptiveDreamer is not worth listening to. CaptiveDreamer goes after anyone who even remotely criticized Trump.

@TrevorGoodchild I saw this and I'm not sure if he is trolling people or sincere. He appears to actually care about white people and british people, but something to keep an eye on for sure.

@Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I have in fact unironically retweeted him, if you wish to not listen to me that is your choice.

But remember if you want to win you must deal with people like him.

@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild by "unironically", I mean the retweeter of CaptiveDreamer basically agrees with CaptiveDreamer's worldview. If the retweeter is retweeting CaptiveDreamer to show how zionists like him are protecting a politician, like Trump for example, then that's legitimate

@Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild Gotcha.

what I tend to see his poasting as, is him telling people to stop being faggots and understand you need to win at politics to make things happen.

A thought experiment would be something like this: would you rather stop children being mutilated or kick out all the jews of the country right now?


@Nesano Solid boomerpoasting


@Nesano Now you're just flailing, needs moar energy

@TrevorGoodchild I don't know how to make them any more caps.

@Nesano Have you considered a reverse mortgage?

@TrevorGoodchild 78% APR for a brand new lifted truck? *signs papers*

@TrevorGoodchild @Nesano ...add in a bit about how much you hate your children and you're gold.

@TrevorGoodchild @Nesano
Throw in some minions and wifebadposting for good measure

I pick up all the big nasty babes with my "escrow" talk.

@pepsi_man @TrevorGoodchild >wifepadposting
My fucking sides.

@sickburnbro @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild

I want both, but stopping troon shit is the easy target (if you're really ballsy you can roll anti-circumcision legislature into that).

Let the jews melt down and make sure you highlight the jew reaction. "What an odd thing to say, etc. etc."

@NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild If I had 2 bullets and Hitler and Stalin were standin' right in front of me I'd turn around to my grandson and shoot that sum bitch twice. *nods his head with a full throttle frown*

@sickburnbro @Orkin_Awk My response is that without kike subversion we would not be dealing with tranny faggotry in the first place. Or niggershines. Or open borders. Or a thousand other White societal issues.

So I do not accept this false division. While I am happy that they feel they have lost enough ground that they have to offer faggots as a sacrifice to normies I do not lose sight of who caused these problems in the first place.

Kicking jews out would stop the child mutilation. Captive dreamer is a zionist and you dont have to deal with him unless youre also a zionist.

@transgrammaractivist @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild you make an assumption that isn't backed by facts.

Tranny shit is 100% jew shit. Jb pritzker and dick levine are 2 examples. Theyre also zionists

@TrevorGoodchild Yeah, the Trump shills have been doing this bit lately. They're speedrunning becoming Mitt Romney supporters, it's cute.

@TrevorGoodchild @Orkin_Awk yes, without their subversion we would not be dealing with many problems we have.

However we are in the situation we are in, and we cannot say "well if things had be different!"

One shouldn't take this as a question of "you must choose one" - but to think if it were to be such that you had to choose, which would you choose?

I would simply choose the former, because not only do I dislike the mutilation of children, but I think it also is the most advantage position in the long term.

@yockeypuck They're trying to do the online version of Neoconservatism 2.0: Darker and Edgier

Call me an experimenter then, we can experiment with total jew pogromming and move on from there.

@ColPeatGuano @transgrammaractivist @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild didn't work out well for germany, so one must realize there are costs to all actions.

We just gotta tactically support zionism and child murder so we can get republicans electe..... get trannies banned bro. Dont you want that?

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild why aren't you off hanging yourself like the rest of the kamala kult peons?

@poastoak @TrevorGoodchild There is no such thing as good faith when dealing with the jew.

Supporting zionism hasnt helped america at all. In fact its directly causal to america's current problem.

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I don't know if I'd call it causal, but it's absolutely every time you turn around at all the worst places

It went great for Spain, but we're neither 1492 Spain or 1933 Germany. It's definitely worth a try.

@ColPeatGuano @transgrammaractivist @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild there is no "try" there is either you bet everything on it and win or bet everything on it and lose.

@TrevorGoodchild Uhh, we want to get rid of the vile demon kikes all together though, zionist and bolshevik and what ever tf other kind of vile demons there are out there, all of them.

Especially in the current admin. Is captive dreamer gonna say anything about his zionist brethren like the pritzkers?

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I don't know his game, but he doesn't come off as zionist. This is what I think he stands for ( but I think he's wrong - Israel can't exist without an external entity supporting it )

Wow I guess we better just keep zionist niggers who hate us around forever since we might not get it done right

Even better bro we put em in power over us and beg them to do things we want after handing over all our leverage in an election. Ben shapiro is based now.

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild you aren't *putting* anyone in power you dumb gay niggers. They HAVE power - have you taken no lessons from Epstein?

Why are you shilling for this zionist while pretending to not be a zionist?

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I literally don't care what your loser faggot kamala supporting ass has to say about anything.

Why don't you go hit your head with a sledgehammer a few dozen times as penance

@TrevorGoodchild @Nesano
He has a point, though. The moment we start to use the same "Gets worse before it gets better" Mentality that the left did we'll end up right back where we were in 2015. While we mustn't become complacent, we must also savor our victories when we can, lest we become that which we despise.

@OF29 @Nesano I've been enjoying tormenting leftoids for over a week now. I also don't need faggots like Cosmic Dreamer trying to downplay kike faggotry or trying to push a 'with jews, you WIN' mentality.

@OF29 @TrevorGoodchild Yeah, the mockery was legitimate. I'm sick of these retarded faggots that can't take any fucking victory because everyone is a kike without exception. Some of them are kike concern trolls, though.

Im not a kamala supporter clown i just hate the GOP and love rubbing you noses in the carpet when you zio party pisses on it. You also do care because you respond seething everytime. Congrats on the election win bro. Still dont know why youre not enjoying it.

@pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro Transgenderactivist account's sole purpose is to trip you up into getting banned

@Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild she/him can say whatever he wants, but he said he wanted kamala.

Inly you goofy gab niggers. I was bullying sbb on poast before you were ever on fedi lmao.

Good, that's hilarious

@transgrammaractivist @Aly @ColPeatGuano @pyrate @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild you realize that for you to bully someone, other people have to agree that you're bullying right?

Amd youve said you want zionism. Big own lol

@Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro Best response to provocateur (and bad faith actors in general) accounts is a simple ignore. They are not worth the time or mental effort spent in engaging them... as small as those costs can be.

idk what’s happening in this thread but I salute you for doing the Lord’s work (bullying sbb)

>appeal to popularity
Lmao pathetic

@Nesano @TrevorGoodchild

@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild @Orkin_Awk We, meaning nations and peoples, have been in this same situation countless times over thousands of years with them. It's always the same.

And the solution is the same every single time.

kicking all the jews out won’t magically reverse all the damage done to institutions within our society.

Thats funny because trump is saying the opposite and that hes gonna support them to do whatever they want. Trumps grandkids being jewish and his entire support base being zionist definitely means the issue isnt gonna resolve itself. Trump and marfo rubio will not cut off isreal under any circumstances and captive zionist there admits this with the poast above where he declares "with zionists you win"

The younger people coming up won't be in a position to directly affect politics for a few more decades. By then, zionism will have planted it's roots in those generations as well.

It's largely impossible to out-jew a jew... using jewish tactics. Anyone saying that's a wining move is either a moron or being intentionally deceptive and subversive.

@Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I've said this multiple times and will repeat it for the hard of hearing.

Their greatest achievement was using WW2 to reify their victimhood by latching onto the european distaste for ethnic cleansing. With their attempted ethnic cleansing of Gaza, they have broken that - they can no longer claim to be victims, just merely the cleansers that were on the losing end at that point. More critically, they can no longer claim any moral superiority over europeans for that.

@sickburnbro @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild Do you see that photo op Trump did with Bruce Gender after his election win?

@Orkin_Awk @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild I did. He has also done photo ops with Biden.

I missed this so much over the past week

@transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro There's a clear operation going on to align right wing Whites with Zionism. The "putting the woke" away (they're not dialing down woke at all. They're just saying they are) is meant to get White people to support zionist candidates who do nothing for White interests

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild Then you should be anti-semitic. Call jews out everywhere they exist. Don't work with them or agree with zionist accounts like CaptiveDreamer.

@Orkin_Awk @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild This is what I have said before and you should think about it.

You should define yourself by a positive goal and not a negative one, because it will destroy you.

I am pro-american/european. I love our history and our people.

The jews have a well documented history of being parasitic and trouble making. We have tried many times to get them to fucking stop their shit. They seem to be unable and unwilling to.

Hadrian did nothing wrong.

@stoner713 @Orkin_Awk @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild the point I make is: does a photo op mean support? Perhaps, but maybe not always.

@sickburnbro @Orkin_Awk @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild sorry, never scrool up rule

but, they are holding hands, so...

@sickburnbro @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild I'd add that Israel's behavior in Gaza and Southern Lebanon has alienated and disgusted most of the world, and that disgust has been attached to the US since we are their largest enabler. As a result, its contributing to the rest of the world piling into BRICS as a more productive and moral option.

They are cutting the legs out from under themselves, and their benefactors as well.

@sickburnbro @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild moral superiority arguments are meant for who? Unless you point out international jewish power and their total responsibility for the worldwide genocide of Whites, how are you going to mobilize White people against jews? Siding with zionists, for any reason, is INSANE

@Orkin_Awk @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild There is something from NRx that I have though about a lot, which is that the protest movements of the 60s weren't really a protest, but a solidification of their power.

We can see with march for life that getting people together for 20 years to do a march has had essentially 0 effect.

If you look at the history of jews being kicked out of countries, it's not been that some critical percentage of people know about what they've done, but that some event triggers people being fed up.

canceling them counts as dealing with them, so that's fair

@sickburnbro @stoner713 @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild Are we supposed to be mind-reading Trump? That's what "trust the plan" always was.

@Orkin_Awk @stoner713 @Aly @pyrate @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild I think I've been pretty clear on what I suggest people do, and it's mainly "stop sitting around waiting for a hero"

@poastoak @TrevorGoodchild >making a deal with a Jew

Man, I love Frieren

@sickburnbro @Orkin_Awk @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild We all know the lists of the 109 countries over 1000 expulsions, but it's hard to find the particulars on any one event, other than it happened.

Here's one that is documented and occurred just 10 years ago, in Guatemala of all places. It's interesting because there are just enough details to understand why it possibly happened. But it's still surprising the Guatemala villagers, who seemed generally peaceful, were driven to physically threatening the group of jews to leave or else.

Jews 'forced' to leave Guatemala village

"Some 230 members of an Orthodox Jewish group have begun leaving a village in western Guatemala after a bitter row with the local indigenous community.

The Lev Tahor members were asked to leave San Juan La Laguna after meetings with elders of the Mayan community.

The elders accused the Jews of shunning the villagers and imposing their religion and customs.

The Lev Tahor had settled in the village six years ago as the group searched for religious freedom."

There's more.


@Obfuskation @sickburnbro @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild They have absolute control over the White House, Congress and Supreme Court. They can implement their Greater Israel plans in 2025. Trump is a lame duck president, all they have to do is pay him to follow through with their plans

@Orkin_Awk @sickburnbro @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild The point is that it doesn't matter what (((they))) have Trump or anybody else do. The US is tens of trillions in debt, and their military has been exposed as increasingly inept.

The ideas of Greater Israel and globalism under GAE are in their death throes. We are on track for the 2030s to see the US going through what Russia did in the 90s, and for Israel to be renamed Palestine as a secular state.

I took a little break. People were getting so sensitive

Welcome back, king

Hows your week been? Enjoying the cabinet picks? Remember when he was little marco and an ardent enemy of trump? Hes based now.

It doesn't matter what they claim as long as they have a firm grip on the reigns of power. The false victimhood can lose effectiveness, and nothing will change. Look at the past 18months for a recent example.

We just gotta work with the tunnel jews who rape kids bro. Its the based transactional thing to do. See trump hes so smart for doing this we can trust him bro.

@Aly @ColPeatGuano @transgrammaractivist @HoroTheWhiteWolf @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro

I'm banned from reddit.
I'm banned from Xbox live.
I'm even banned from tumblr.

@pyrate @ColPeatGuano @transgrammaractivist @HoroTheWhiteWolf @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro I'm banned from The Wicked Monk for 6 months for smashing a Dublin Crab Cake in a gril's face 😼

@Aly @ColPeatGuano @transgrammaractivist @HoroTheWhiteWolf @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro

You will have to tell me this story sometime, perhaps over dinner.

@TrevorGoodchild @poastoak You annihilate them. Relegate them to the past tense with fire.

@TrevorGoodchild we really do need to deport them (Israeli dual-citizens).

@pyrate @TrevorGoodchild Deportation isn't enough. People just don't have the balls for what needs to be done. 🔥

@Bunsen @TrevorGoodchild

Bro, day by day I have less to live for.

@pyrate @TrevorGoodchild I know the feeling, Pyrate. Don't give up. There may be variables at play behind the scenes that we don't know about.

Keep living. We need you. 😭

@Bunsen @pyrate @TrevorGoodchild Chin up guise
The future is going to be amazing
I promise

@stoner713 @HonkHonkBoom @poastoak @TrevorGoodchild They are beyond redemption. Humanity will never be at peace until they are gone.

@kazuya @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild indeed that would be. All I suggest is understanding the dynamics of power and that no-one has unlimited political power.

@Aly @pyrate @TrevorGoodchild It will be a nasty, and bloody struggle before things get better. I hope to be wrong.

yeah I get it. Unrealistic to pretend you can rise in politics without dealing with them at all when they're 90% of the money right now. That being said, we didn't exactly 1776 by redcoating the hardest either.

They won't even stab you in the back. They will read you the fine print of the contract and then stab you in the front. It's just business goy.

Didn't you see paragraph 34 subclause 4, this entire contract is null because someone said nigger on twitter.

as they slide the knife between your ribs.

@TrevorGoodchild @yockeypuck

The "...at night" version of the original. More bad makeup and dicks with glitter on them.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild He's also wrong as ZOG doesn't give a fuck what the goy think, if both sides are bought and paid for by jewery, and a good chunk are even married into it then what effect does anti-zionist/anti-jewish thought have on the system?

@sickburnbro @Orkin_Awk @TrevorGoodchild Kicking out the jews would ultimately make that happen within months, so going for that option as it'd fix it and plenty more issues.

>Just this one gay video... Just this one child... Now I'm CIA I can do good...

Narrator: But he didn't do good. He became the molestiest molester that ever molested.

@sickburnbro @Quentel @transgrammaractivist @ColPeatGuano @TrevorGoodchild The Internet wasn't around back then. The video of tunnel jews of New York can be seen forever.