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Wowee, I sure do remember voting for war with Russia! Don't you? It sure is great being in a democracy where the people are in charge of the government, huh?


@caekislove @SK1ZM Don't worry, he's going to change it so he was already President now.

We did vote for war with russia, it was just 3.95 years ago. Lame ducks can still fuck over the country

Do you remember voting for most of your culture to be completely Africanized too?
How about almost all the content on the radio and television being auditory and visual pornography?
Do you remember voting to bus all those blacks in so they could turn lucrative cities into non-stop opportunities for crime?
Do you remember having a say in having unsecured borders?
How about children trooning out, did you vote for that? How about being surrounded by a seemingly infinite horde of degenerates manufactured through mass media whose personalities were whittled down into nothing but hedonism? What about being atomized in your own home? Everything costing far too much? Every single war we've fought that was just a proxy war or an outright attempt at subverting a country via force?

Yeah. Democracy sure is great when it's the equivalent of playing on the second player controller at the demo screen of a video game.

Boomers voted for that when they elected Reagan.

@caekislove I voted for a milkshake, shaken not stirred

Would have happened anyway. Look at how "integration" happened. At the barrel of the National Guard's guns.

Yeah but it hits different when it comes with thunderous applause.

I vaguely recall there being some sort of requirement for Congress to take a vote before we do things like lobbing rockets into the territory of a rival nuclear power. πŸ€”

People don't really know what's best for them, and they don't see anything more beyond the surface level rhetoric and talk.

I have had boomers tell me he had to make those compromises on immigration. It triggers visceral disgust in my brain.

the preznit gets a 90 day grace period before the perfunctory show vote

.........literally why.

because the democrats pinky pwomised to secure the border to stop more illegals coming in in exchange.

3 guesses what didn't fucking happen.

I wonder if the people who wrote that law figured that whoever we bombed would just forgive us if after 90 days Congress told the President "No sir you can't start that war!?"


no no no


@caekislove Don't forget we also voted for war with Iran and China. To protect our democracy and the rules based order.

@caekislove If I can’t vote to repave the road near me or to stop sending infinite dollars to israel what’s the point of voting

@Turdicus @caekislove not onyl will they not pave your road, if you somehow managed to do it yourself they'd come tear it up.

I am the hate machine 😏

No you are high. 😏

Not yet 😏 still waiting for my kratom coffee to kick in so I can face the day with a wry grin

You are a stoner. 😏

I haven't been a "stoner" since high school 😏 I'm well beyond all of that mess

You are an addicted stoner. 😏

Congress deliberately doesnt want to do its job (so they can farm the elected posts for free money and influence without risking blowback) and offloaded many of its constitutional responsibilities to the executive branch and its agencies. We have the weird situation where we simultaneously have too much democracy and no democracy. People feel like they are always one election away from losing everything, yet after the election nothing fundamentally usually changes thanks to these entrenched intrests that will fight and thrash like hell if someone tries to pull these parasites out. I doubt trump will handle this well, but hey if he actually just starts firing random bureaucrats for four straight years he will unintentionally massively improve this country.

You are a self hating pedophile troon 😏 see how that works?

Yeah except making spurious accusations of pedophilia definitely aren't covered by the TOS, thank you.

Your accusations are just as spurious 😏 I have a marijuana free urine sample

You were literally bragging about your drug usage yesterday. 😏 And today. 😏

Bragging? 😏 I'm no braggart. I've lost the ego after having consumed heroic doses of psilocybin years ago

See you're literally doing it again right now. 😏

You're still being spurious 😏 I suppose in that case you're still into beastiality from that one time you had your dog lick cottage cheese off your balls

>More Gaboid degenerate fantasy posting
Setting the day counter back to zero!

Also you're still wrong. 😏

You're wrong as well 😏 we can be wrong together

No you were literally bragging yesterday about your drug use. 😏 You are wrong.

Bragging and informing are 2 entirely different things 😏

You were bragging. 😏

I take it you probably think an AA/NA meeting is just a bunch of addicts sitting around bragging about their past drug use as well 😏 your perception can be your deception for all I give a fuck

You're high right now. 😏

I wish 😏

So again, you are a stoner. 😏

A stoner is someone who compulsively engages in consuming copious amounts of marijuana 😏 I haven't smoked in almost 5 months and when I do it's at night after all my responsibilities are taken care of. If anything, I'm an occasional responsible recreational user of marijuana

Right, so you are a stoner. 😏

I don't care what you think 😏

That you are a stoner. 😏

I'm not a stoner, I'm chinese

You're a chigger.

yeah, I get chiggy with it

You're a routine participator of lemon party observers 😏

You are high right now. 😏

You are kneading your penis to old fags right now 😏

>More homosexual fantasy posting
Typical, from a Gabnigger stoner. 😏

@Owl @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @caekislove Noo this gabnigger has a gun that means he's cool and is trained and prepared to take down the government at a moments notice

Stop posting cringe 😏

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @caekislove @Owl I post cringe. You are cringe. The embodiment of it. Stop being an embarrassment

@DEERBLOOD @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @caekislove @Owl Mr electric, feed this nigga iron shavings and toss him into the pit of magnets

And he does it again πŸ™„

Richard Kucringeski............

Who gets more box than an Amazon warehouse 😎

Nah. 😏

Sick burn

I think global thermonuclear war is the optimum result.

Finally, I'll be able to loot some power armor from the Brotherhood of Steel!

I just don’t want to live anymore but it’s against my religion to kill myself.

@caekislove What happened now

@Owl @caekislove Democracy is when you give your younger sibling a controller that isn't plugged in so that they think they're playing.

>erm... I didn't vote for war?
Dig the fucking trench!

NATO is now firing missiles into Russia. It's a brazen act of war against a nuclear power. All human life on Earth is now relying on Putin pussing out and letting the US get away with it.

(And don't give me that "Actually Ukraine is doing it!" nonsense. Those missile systems can't be run by just anybody and the USA isn't going to just load them up on a train and say "Have fun!". NATO officers, probably Americans, are firing those missiles)

Based please nuke me first

you guys would miss me.

I am pretty sure I wouldn't even fire at you.

You guys are okay. Don't go to the school assembly tomorrow.

@Owl @caekislove I voted to bring back the mcrib

The only choice that ever mattered.

Making Democracy safe, one bite at a time!