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What that over-the-top Trump defender is getting at is a variant of the Harold Hill hypothesis.

The power of positive thinking.

@judgedread Trump attended the sermons of Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote The Power of Positive Thinking.

@Honkmunclus @judgedread Irrational optimism coupled with innate charisma is a reality-bending superpower

@TrevorGoodchild Irrational optimism is the real American civic religion.

Christ never stood a chance.

@Honkmunclus Which I learned from Steve Sailer, one of the few writers who bothers digging up facts.

@judgedread @TrevorGoodchild That’s an interesting observation because if you boil down a lot of the implications of Christian theology, Jesus claiming power over death is quite a lot of irrational optimism.

@BarelyEagle But not about worldly outcomes. A big problem - for religion - when mortality salience is low.

@judgedread @BarelyEagle It's hard to "remember, man, that thou art dust" when one is under constant media assault. Uncle Ted was not a Christian, but maybe he understood the reason why.

@patris The modern world conceals death for a reason.

Memento mori only in fashion among goths.

@judgedread @patris I think a culture that is so out of touch with the reality of death that silly vegan girls wonder aloud why animals have to be killed because you can buy meat at the store have lost something precious and important.

@Escoffier All young lads should certainly go on a hunt.

@BarelyEagle @judgedread @TrevorGoodchild Don't want to offend, but that's a very narrow part of the whole. The rest is a lot of hair-shirt guilt-tripping self-loathing. Which has re-manifested itself as "wokeness," which also includes the universalism.

Wokeism will likely be defeated by Americanism much like Christianity was, because it's inherently negative and suffering-oriented. You're supposed to whip yourself bloody all the time for the sin of being White, wear the hair shirt of lamenting White supremacy, follow the via dolorosa of White guilt and confess your White privilege in the corporate confessional.

I believe the Judge is right here, and furthermore, nigger-worshiping, White-hating wokeism is going to be sent packing sooner or later by American optimism.

The left are the people clinging desperately to their hair shirts, flagellants, and inquisitors, now in the form of niggers, trannies, and White guilt HR diversity officers.

All that masochistic negativity is going to be squashed flatter than roadkill sooner or later by some gigantic Chad Boomer in mirror shades, sipping bourbon in a bright Hawaiian shirt with flowers and swastikas, while doing 90 mph in a 50-foot long classic car with six-foot-tall chrome fins, blaring classic rock, streaming American and Confederate flags, and displaying "It's Great To Be White" license plates, metaphorically speaking.

The "hair shirt suffering" adapted to modern times by the "woke" was already soundly rebuked by Trump's irrational optimism in this most recent election.

In time, it's going to be the most fun and upbeat resurgence of White supremacy you can imagine, lol.

@Thunderbolt_of_Kek The key difference between 'wokism' and Christianity is that the former is a church of no redemption. It's as repulsive as Calvinism, and geneline scanning would likely reveal that its non-kike advocates are descended from the dreary scum who founded certain of the US colonies.

I hate puritans more than I hate jews because some jews are fun, puritans are wretched killjoy tyrants by definition.

Give me a Catholic or Orthodox drunkard over a puritan any day.

there's gold in them thar hills

@judgedread The covid circus was a real sad revelation in this regard. Suppose an entire generation had been able to shut death out of their minds their whole lives? And then the same propaganda machine that had allowed them to do this one day suddenly put it front and center? How would they react?

@patris Coronahoax played on the conservative fear of disease and the feminine hate for risk.

Which reveals that conservatism is at its core feminine.

Nothing wrong with a movement that embodies feminine traits.

But it has to have a masculine leader or it becomes girlboss or ho.

But we didn't get a masculine leader. We got Bill Buckley.

@WilhelmIII @judgedread @patris
'Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

@WilhelmIII @judgedread The Dabney quote always applies. Conservatism is not really a thing. It's just one of a few possible reactions to the world available to people who have fully imbibed the enlightenment mind poison. ​

@patris My least popular idea (around these parts) is that the Enlightenment delivered.

Look at SpaceX. Run by a womanizing atheist with a breeding harem.

Can any 'moral' man equal it?

@judgedread I follow. But perhaps the counter is that what Elin has achieved is just re-acquiring the pre-enlightenment "moral man" norm. Sure it's the modern version with modern trappings, but the kernel is old, not new: a man subduing and filling the earth.

You don't love him because he ​is a man with rockets. You love him because he is a man. He just uses rockets instead of <words, iron, chariots, locomotives, genes, ships, swords, whatever>. Elon is a fully-blossomed man--a king, an image of the creating God, as every man should be.

If the enlightenment had delivered, kings would be more common now, not less. ​

@patris We were as gods before parasite load got the better of us.

And we're going back.

This time to stay.

@WilhelmIII Moonbase Alpha is next on Elon's bucket list.

He's seriously calling it Moonbase Alpha! How can I not love the guy?

@Thunderbolt_of_Kek We had that for a brief moment.

@WilhelmIII In their timidity conservatives conserved nothing.

But the deeper secret is that once we crossed the productivity threshold around 1760 or so nothing was ever going to be same.

Every generation a technological revolution.

@judgedread @WilhelmIII tbf, if he called it Moonbase Beta, everybody would assume Alpha was the Nazi one

Moonbase Sigma, or he has not one hair on his balls.

Needs an Eagle

Unpopular opinion: Aside from the art design, "Space: 1999" was a terrible series.

@CrustyBurgerhead Breakaway, Death's Other Dominion, Dragon's Domain, The Infernal Machine and The Legacy of Arcadia prove otherwise.

I even love the one with Joan Collins.

The less said about season two the better.

@WilhelmIII One of the top ten spacecraft of all time.

It still bothers me that the landing pads can't retract flush with those modules, which they were clearly intended to.

Inside: On airless Moon, no need to retract.

Outside: Two models and/or mechancially retractable isn't in the budget.

@WilhelmIII Oh, it's clearly the latter. Also in the smaller versions it wouldn't even be possible to have the mechanism.

It's also possible that they tried to make them retractable and it didn't work so they just glued them in the extended position. Happens all the time.

The Millennium Falcon was supposed to fly sideways like a fish with a rotating cockpit but they decided it would be too complicated with the simple motion control at the time.

Kubrick spent a fortune on the retractable bits for his moon lander.

@WilhelmIII I love all the 2001 ships, even the Pan Am Shuttle.