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PDP is literally too stupid to argue with. It's pointless.

It's pointless but it can also be entertaining

It's like talking to a nigger about breakfast.

"Why are you advocating for child sex trafficking?"

"But I didn't argue for child sex trafficking. I just said it would be based if we did it."

Him arguing with sbb is funny because hes an open zionist now. Theyre perfect for each other

I'm sad though because neither took my bait 😔

With zionists you win bro

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @abner Open Zionist? How do you figure? Succeeding for yourself and family means you support jews?

Captivedreamer7 thread a few days ago

@BowsacNoodle @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @abner Kind of alarming how people shriek "bootstraps!" When you burst their bubble about yes you are in fact expected to have to work hard for things


Sorry it took so long, this nigger poasts A TON

I think you should work hard for things and also not be bedfellows with zionists

@abner @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @BowsacNoodle And who's a bedfellow with zionists? What does that even mean? If a "zionist" has a good take I'm not going to disagree with it just because. A broken clock is right two times a day

This is the rightoid equivalent of thr guy chugging vegetable oil to own the chuds

I mean like this

Somewhere he agreed with the sentiment

He agreed with it though and defends the idea of tactically supporting zionist because trump won. He also worships captive dreamer

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @BowsacNoodle @abner Ah I see. That would be bad, if it's true. Anyone s have a screencap or a link?

I also asked him if he was a zionist and he just ignored me

@doctorsex @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @DEERBLOOD @abner In a realpolitik sort of way, maybe. Hell, even the guy he screenshot is saying that ostensibly from the same. I have learned not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I am also enough of a realist to know that the kali-jewga cycle is short and it will only be another decade or two until they'll be worse than they were before. I don't discount the problem of compromising with evil nor the obvious Hegelian play involved here either.

@BowsacNoodle @doctorsex @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @abner It's even dumber from a realpolitik perspective. They ALWAYS without fail betray their shabbos goyim. You don't use them, they use you


Go from this poast, to Trevor's response, to sbb's follow-up. I actually agree with Trevor here (talk about a broken clock), making this false division is disingenuous and suggests he's more of a jew friend than he lets on

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @DEERBLOOD @abner SBB posts a great distillation of closer to normie but ourguy adjacent content. His own comment on the captive dreamer post was surprise that they were now screaming the quiet part. I think you're taking out your anger at the wrong guy.

@abner @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @BowsacNoodle I see. Thanks. No I don't think he's a zionist, I just think he thinks jews can be played and I don't want to make them seem omniscient but the game is rigged in their favor which makes it a bad idea

Tactical zionism is still zionism.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @BowsacNoodle @abner I don't agree with that. I believe he sees it as a give and take, but jews don't ever hold up their end of the bargain which he should understand by now

Honestly a respectable conclusion to come to. I also think he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is (based off my interactions with him) so that makes sense he'd think White people could play jews and not get backstabbed

who is SBB

The girl reading this

What price would you ask to stand shoulder too shoulder with the tunnel jews? Would you donate to them and pray to their self proclaimed messiah and reject christ for tactical reasons?

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner Of course not, that's retarded. Consider what realpolitik actually means—the circumstances of one's current position can be considered over pure ideology and compromise where the alternative closes too many doors. We are not in a position where there's loads of able bodied and capable White men in positions of leadership and power ready to refuse to compromise, and that is 100% intentional. I think we would agree on that point, no?

Salty bitch boi

@BowsacNoodle @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @abner I think tga lumps all compromise into the category of zionism, versus compromising with zionists on nonzionism related issues

For example, there will have to be compromise with zionists on the tranny question

There should never be compromise on the ethnostate issue cause as we see time and time again they don't us to have an enthnostate and it doesn't matter how much you help them achieve theirs, they'll say thank you then stab you in the back

@BowsacNoodle @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner well i'm just gonna let them all do it and raise rabbits,

Im asking you to put yourself in trumps shoes. What price?

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner None. I wouldn't be in his shoes. If I was, I'd do all the things I need to do to make things right and then rug pull on all the Zionists and not deliver on my promises. I'm told he has experience doing that with contractors, so it should be in his wheelhouse.
>For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? -Mark 8:36

@DEERBLOOD @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @abner I share your opinion. Politics can be transactional, and I do believe that's a point SBB has said several times. We owe Zionists NOTHING. Cleaning up the tranny mess is like a stubborn child cleaning up the mess they made after they threw a tantrum (in this case, publicly for decades). You don't reward them with ice cream for doing the bare minimum of cleaning up their mess.

Well trump isnt planning to rug pull them. Now the question is what was trump promised to support these pedophilic tunnel jews?

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner I don't know and that's not really my concern at the moment. Broken clocks and transactional alliances and such.

I get what you're getting at, but I think deerblood put it well somewhere in this thread. If you're working with jews/zionists, understand you are not playing them and that they WILL backstab you

At certain point if you find yourself supporting a dude who is supporting tunnel rape jews you should ask why youre supporting the guy in the first place and if hes actually gonna do what he says. We know from 2017-2020 he wont.

But it'll be different this time, he got elected as a rebuke to the woke left! (this is what happened last time)

@abner @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD I only wish it would. The pre inaugural shit show is already more accelerationist than I thought possible, which is funny just on its own face.

So you wouldn't support someone who supports tunnel rape jews correct?

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner What are you asking me? I do not support tunnel rape jews. If tunnel rape jews decided to make it their mission to dismantle the rainbow mafia in all places within business and public spaces, I am not going to work against them (would you?) unless it is apparent that they're putting something worse in its place.

We arent required to sign onto trumps deal with the jews because he lied about immigration is all im saying. Sbb disagrees.

@DEERBLOOD @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @abner This is the type of conversation I'd like to have hanging out by a fire with a beer where you can look one another in the eyes and know what people mean when they say things. Text is literally autism communication.

And he said the same shit too.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner I won't forgive him unless he makes it right.

>narrator: he won't make it right.

Yea its piss poor medium for debate.

Support for trump is support for tunnel rape jews and looking the other way on dons support for them is dishonest and wrong. Im not accusing you of that but i am accusing SBB of that. Especially when he agrees with someone else he constantly repoasts that support for zionism is ok so long as it benefits trump.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner If he is looking at it transactionally, and I am taking his word for that, then what he's saying isn't support for Trump but support for this transaction. I don't like gossiping about people and their opinions and would rather defend him because I don't see what you see here.

A transaction is only a transaction if it's a two way street. Don is not a new customer, we have seen his credit report, and so far, we are only seeing things go one way.

Up to a certain point you take responsibility for the people youre transacting with as well. Paying a pimp for sex doesnt make it more moral than paying the whore directly.

He supports this transaction and im saying thats bad.

Jewish 'transactions' are almost never beneficial to anyone but jews; they look out for their own interests. Avocation for a zionist transaction mindset is naive at best... and subversive at worst.

@Quentel @transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @BowsacNoodle @abner If we got gay tranny stuff yeeted and mass deportations without war I'd make a transaction

Sure. Big if though

@doctorsex @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @BowsacNoodle @abner Definitely. But I think it's worthwhile to ask "if you had the upper hand what deal would you make?"

They're not even talking about bringing anything to the table for a 'transaction'. Plan-trusters somehow still remains unaffected by the consequences of reality.

There is no if.

We are however getting icc sanctions and unlimited support for isreal

Another trillion for israel
A few billion for ukraine maybe
Millions must die for gay butt sex in botswana

People pretend this shit doesnt matter and are dismissive about it but another war is gonna fuck up the economy real good and all indicators are that trump and bibi are gonna do another mideast clown show. And hell if trump get war powers you can bet your ass hes not using them for immigration and trannies but anyone who doesnt approve of gwot 2.0

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner >if trump get war powers you can bet your ass hes not using them for immigration and trannies but anyone who doesnt approve of gwot 2.0
I don't buy that and think it's wrong for the same reason libtards are wrong. He's probably not going to use power like that and will instead talk more than act.

Trump doesn't have the upper hand. He has the open hand.

What do you think the jews would ask for in return for a complete reversal of their domestic US policy? Realistically, you cannot deal with these people. If I theoretically had the upper hand, there would *be* no deal. I'm not giving them any amount of rope to hang me with. You give them an inch and they'll try to rape a mile out of you.

Bro did you forget about 2018 and how bad his DOJ was?

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner Remind me? I was somewhat checked out of politics at that time.

@doctorsex @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @BowsacNoodle @abner I think there exists something between where we are now and having the upper hand to the extent that they can holocausted

I'm not sure what they would ask for in return. I just think it's an interesting thought experiment

Many seem to have forgotten already.

>that was because the agencies were rogue
And you think they're not gonna this time?

@DEERBLOOD @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @BowsacNoodle @abner
The main issue is that Jews are convinced that if they aren't in total control, they're inevitably going to be holocausted, which disincentivizes them from coming to any sort of compromise deal. If you believe you're going to be wiped out if you loosen your grip, you'll do anything to try to keep power.

Cville? The mass bannings from shit like youtube and twitter? Antifa doing whatever the fuck they wanted? The mcmicheals? Chauvin and the summer of floyd? Trump pardoning a jewish drug dealing rabbi?

It's the stonetoss comic:
>he had four years to and didn't
>trump supporter: "IT'S GONNA BE A DICTATORSHIP!!!"
>she had 4 years to do that

The biggest lie people fell for is that trump is an outsider of Washington. He approved of all the shit his agencies did. From covid lockdowns to allowing shitlibs to tear down monuments. He was in on it not against it.

He could have stepped in at any time. Yet, he didn't over and over again. He has a solid record of stepping aside to let his 'supporters' get ground into dust.

His job is to get radicals thinking they have an ally in Washington and then bringing down the hammer on them. Hes always been controlled opposition and 2020 was proof of that.

Could have pardoned J6er's. Had no reason not to.

why trusting the plan is for dummies, exhibit A

Is this who I think it is

I can't see him but yes

I'll ban you for this you zog grifter

who does the boof sloub for?

Zog grifters


my name is skyler white, yo.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner Good reminders, thank you. I'm mostly looking at it from a point of making things slightly less shitty in the immediate for me and my kids. That he pisses off libtards is nice, but that's not enough for me.

Hes gonna make things worse for you and yours. White people dont exist to trump which is why he doesnt name them. He wants you dead just as much as kamala.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner Worse than Kamala? Sorry, but my wife and kids and I are White.

The agencies werent rougue they were doing exactly as told by their executive. What people get wrong is that trump wasnt directing it. He was

Even if he does now these people sat in solitary for 4 years for trump and even now hes saying hes only gonna pardon a select few. Antifa and BLM? Hes not gonna do shit and police will have to kneel to blacks again just like his first term.

It's unreal how some people on the fediverse can somehow pretend that none of this happened.

His first term was unironically worse than obama even. He didn't even kick trannies out of the military lol. Idk why people think itll be different this time.

It was 100% worse that Obama. Obama deported more people than Trump did. It takes some mental gymnastics to somehow see him as 'tough on immigration'.


at least libtards will be crying or something.

Unlike conservatives libtards dont actually cry but lick shots off at their political opponents.

Its remarkable to me man. Its like 2017-2020 just didnt happen. Remember when he said hed decalre antifa and blm terror orgs and then let them burn the country for 6 months straight while kissing walz ass for how he handled the riots?

Youre probably on poast right now because of the ban waves that happened under trump. The debanking and shit too. That was all trump policy.

They have the same boss. You're error in thinking is that one would be better than the other. They're equal in depravity and hatred for you.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @BowsacNoodle @DEERBLOOD @abner This dude is counter signalling so much winning stuff and is proven wrong most of the time.
I'm starting to think it's deliberate at this point.

@transgrammaractivist @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner Maybe equal in hatred, but not in action. That's spiteful silliness which equates overt hostility with passive inaction.

@ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @BowsacNoodle @DEERBLOOD @abner and in fairness to Jews, they’re completely right.
I don’t know why a faction, whose intention is the righteous global destruction of Jewish power, believes working with Epstein people is “pragmatic.”
“I want to destroy you, everything you stand for, and unravel everything you’ve done. Let’s work together on trannies though.”
What Jew would do that? As if Jews aren’t in favor of trannies when they hurt White people.

@Griffith @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner A lot of reasons. They would rather use White people to fight their battles. They will have near zero participation by young White men in their war machine if they don't throw some red meat to the base. It's also hurting them because of the culture around troons. Trannies are bioweapon aimed at taking young men and women from the gene pool so that more workers "must be" imported. Every "LGBTP" is a landmine booby trap against le evil fascism too, since too many people are affected by acquaintance or family. Sometimes things need dialed back. I don't even buy into "da jooz pull all da strings", but it's not hard to answer within that framework.

@BowsacNoodle @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner That’s not “working” with us that’s boiling the frog by dialing the heat.
If they cared completely about white men dying for Israel they wouldn’t be diversifying the armed forces as much as they are. I don’t completely buy that they want 100% white bodies on the ground. ZOG makes very little exception for competence where diversity is considered. They’d rather have a mixed and gay military. Either way I don’t think trading our boys lives for less troon shit is a good trade.

@Griffith @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner >I don’t think trading our boys lives for less troon shit is a good trade.
Neither do I.
See my post above. I'm not going to fight things that aren't horrible just because they're being done by jews; I will save my effort and rage for the deplorable things which they will inevitably do a short time later.


@BowsacNoodle @Griffith @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner My belief is that if Chabad (The aformentioned Ultra Orthodox Tunnel jews) or any other jewish group is doing something chances are it's against my interest, if they're fighting fags I'm not going to impede them, but I will point out they started it to begin with

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Griffith @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @abner >I'm not going to impede them, but I will point out they started it to begin with
Agreed, and I posted the same thing elsewhere in this thread.

Just to be austically clear about it theyre not just chabad jews in that pic i poast but specifically the ones in new york who dug a rape dungeon tunnel. And the rabbi trump is praying to in that picture is the one they say commanded them to build said tunnels. They are the worst jews on the planet and most of them come from isreal.

@transgrammaractivist @Griffith @ArdainianRight @LostShakerOfSalt @Quentel @doctorsex @BowsacNoodle @DEERBLOOD @abner I wasn't aware they claimed the Rebee, or however you spell said yids name, commanded them to build the tunnel.
EDIT: The Rebee is who Chabad claims is a/the Messiah (not exactly sure on jewish usage of the word, know the Christian usage only)

Yep they do lots of sick shit. If im not mistaken its the same "temple" that had some fucked up out house they'd keep the women in in filth and the tunnel connected to it. And im pretty sure hes the one thatd sniff on their soiled panties. Theyre sick and fucked up and trump has sworn to give them everything. Lmao he even paid them cash at that event.