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Oh noooo we can't let it fall it'll knock down all the others noooooo haha we gotta stop it...

>we can't have civilization itself without trannies

average zionist take tbh lmao


I find your terms acceptable

@LittleTom The only reason they can lift that in the first place is because they're men

@LittleTom I could stand for a LOT less of all of these

@LittleTom I'd easily and gladly push the 3 front ones all the way forward till they fell. As in, not merely accelerating or co-opting them, but flat out exposing them for the fallacies that they are.

@mage @LittleTom Traitorous men at that.

@LittleTom the one in the back that you can't make out is the Great Schism

it can all fall

@thefinn @LittleTom fall, mountains

just don't fall on me

@LawrenceGerald @LittleTom Fīat iūstitia ruat cælum