@burner Think of it this way. If you marry a nice girl, she will begome hag (50s) eventually and you will enjoy a nice life together.
@burner If that's your timeline you better get cracking right away. Depends on how long your date, but you should mention you want kids ASAP. If you find a good one at that age I think she would feel the same. She might even marry you faster if that's the case. If you say early 30s but then take 2 years to marry her then you're shooting yourself in the foot.
I plan on moving up north within the next year so I will have to find a woman who will be willing to quit her job and housewife
@burner This is good kidnapping bait. I'm sure you could find a girl who would be into this.
@burner Ask Glen or others in the chat if you want someone to bounce ideas off and you chooses the online dating route. I don't think it's easy or there's a set way to find a good girl. It's possible, just requires some creative thinking.
@nozaki yeah as much as I am blackpilled about modern dating I hope you guys find some good girls to marry
@LostShakerOfSalt @burner It's more the right positive attitude and proper respect to show women on dating apps.
@LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @burner Where did I go wrong?
@yockeypuck @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @burner Let's ask @MisterLister
@DEERBLOOD @yockeypuck @LostShakerOfSalt @burner He asked her to lick his pits it should be the other way around
@MisterLister @DEERBLOOD @LostShakerOfSalt @burner Sounds subby.
Should I have stuttered more to sound more respectful?
Should I have stuttered more to sound more respectful?
@yockeypuck @MisterLister @DEERBLOOD @LostShakerOfSalt @burner >smiles respectively
Try a devious grin next time, always works 90% of the time it works.
Try a devious grin next time, always works 90% of the time it works.
@nozaki But will I?
@SuperSnekFriend @Curvin Every day the pill looks a little more tempting
@SuperSnekFriend @nozaki I'm sorry for being retarded online, it will happen again
@Curvin @SuperSnekFriend @nozaki literal anime chudjak
@SuperSnekFriend @Curvin @nozaki Bad show?
@TrueMasterCole @Curvin @nozaki
What makes the whole thing so bad is that the show itself was fine, fun, and quirky, yet there was no in story reason to insert the offending plot point Shinji Takamatsu and Kimiko Ueno did.
What makes the whole thing so bad is that the show itself was fine, fun, and quirky, yet there was no in story reason to insert the offending plot point Shinji Takamatsu and Kimiko Ueno did.
@bronze One those things where there isn't a systemic solution, so it requires a lot of gumption and other boomer traits. It's unfortunate, but it's either that or genetic death.