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The hardest part about being a communist is trying to spell the word beorgois- beorgios- beer- FUCK

@Hyolobrika Burgeio... Hmm...

@Hyolobrika Borgooseois.

@Hyolobrika Yes. But "owning class" is longer and less specific, "rich" makes you sound like I would like small buisnesses and "porky" is unserious

@Hyolobrika You should try being an early modern scholar...rennasnace, rennaisanse....balls.

boodge wah zee!

@Hyolobrika @MNNHNewsEnglish @moffintosh just learn german and say Bürgertum. i'm sure Bürger comes from Burg, which is the german word for castle, so Bürger maybe once meant "People, who live in castles". So instead of Bourjosie, you could mayhaps say castle campers. Let me know how well that works, if you try

@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net Ironically enough this is easier for those bourgeois fucks that learned French in school.

@condret I think it meant people who lived in towns.

@thalber bogus

@Stephanie Here in the UK, everyone learns French in school.

@Stephanie Or at least, we did at my school.

@moffintosh Why would you not like small businesses? Small business owners usually work in them as well.

@cy @Hyolobrika
Watching the game, having a Bud.
Bourgeoissup! 🤪

@Hyolobrika Because they're bourgies, and still exploit other people's work, oftentimes with worse benefits and wages than what is iffered by large buisnesses.
I worked for both small and medium-sized ventures, and I speak for experience.

@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net Idk why Karl Marx's name doesn't start with a "C," either ​​