FBXL Social

Hyolobrika | @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net

Oh Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow!
Bright blue his jacket is and his boots are yellow!

This is a really annoying headache, and paracetamol doesn't seem to be helping.

This looks interesting.

blog :: Brent -> [String] - Competitive Programming in Haskell: tree path decomposition, part I

@0cf08d280aa5fcfaf340c269abcf66357526fdc90b94b3e9ff6d347a41f090b7 There's no way of muting fedi instances on Nostr

I feel bleh

Are you human if you don't have a credit card?

This startup based in Silicon Valley thinks "no."

@swaggboi i tripped on my way into the oval office and my coffee spilled all over the "do 9/11" button, there was nothing i could do at that point 🤷🏼‍♂️

Although, I suspect I was the reason it's so widely blocked.

Fuck Google for not putting a headphone jack on Pixels. These adapters keep getting lost or randomly breaking.

We made a comic about astrology.

1 Lawyer: Your honor, let the record show that Mercury was in retrograde when my client stole the vehicle.
2 Judge: I do not see how that is relevant.
3 Lawyer: Such a Scorpio.

Thoughts on this AI policy?

Full context here: https://nathanschneider.info/school/academic_honesty

Thank you! I've really been wrestling with this.

Text of a university AI policy.

I should change my instance to one that isn't blocked by so many instances.

the Catholic Church do be spittin sometimes - CCC 2314

> "Every act of war directed to the indiscriminate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with their inhabitants is a crime against God and man, which merits firm and unequivocal condemnation." A danger of modern warfare is that it provides the opportunity to those who possess modern scientific weapons especially atomic, biological, or chemical weapons - to commit such crimes.

@carnage4life @evelyn The idea behind "DEI hires being worse" is that they were hired because of DEI ideology rather than competence. It's not because "minorities are inferior" or anything like that (although it probably is for *some* people (you know the type)).

how is "Crowdstrike offers a ten dollar Uber Eats gift card to customers to apologise for the outage" not an article from The Onion, but actual real life. what is wrong with them

uspol, "twitter API leak"

The so-called API leak is a hoax, and an obvious one at that.

The supposed evidence is a screenshot of a file supposedly hosted on Okta (the URL doesn't go to anything and Okta have said themselves that it never had anything), and includes the usernames of a tiny number of people, specifically US right-wing figures, right next to a list of slurs they're supposedly allowed to say.

The thing looks like it's meant to be some config file, but the format makes zero sense, and using usernames and not user IDs is also nonsense. Remember, people can change their usernames on twitter, such a list would be of account IDs.

Twitter does give some accounts special treatment, but that special treatment is set in a flag against the user account, and it results in the account being completely exempt from automatic moderation. So, a list of permitted words makes no sense in that context.

Stonehenge is a rubbish landmark and we should not pay so much attention to it. It's a load of old rocks, and not even the oldest stone circle in the UK. Would rather visit the Lawnmower museum.

Happy Friday, got any big plans for the weekend?

This account is the official and real account of Kamala Harris, the next President of this great nation. Anyone who disagrees is clearly a paid actor by the Trump campaign. Mastodon asked for Harris. Mastodon received Harris. Mastodon will have Harris.
