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That show was annoying because it was about Southern California, and a bunch of the crap they talked about has nothing to do with many other places.

"Save water!" If you're in the everglades or on the shores of Lake Michigan, there's no such thing as saving water. You're taking water out of the environment, using it briefly, then returning it to the environment. It's a renewable resource.

"Save power!" If you're living somewhere that's entirely fed by renewables like hydroelectric, there's no real need to save power. You're not burning coal to keep that light on, you're relying on some water flowing through a dam.

"Stop smog!" If you're not in a valley where pollution is kept in one spot, smog isn't really a thing. This is an L.A. problem, maybe a couple other cities, but it isn't a global problem.

"Don't cut down trees!" If you're in an area that mandates that trees be replaced after they're cut, then wood is a renewable resource. It's not a big deal cutting down new growth forest then replanting new trees, and in fact under some circumstances that could mean a negative carbon footprint (for people who care about that sort of thing) since you take wood and semi-permanently put it somewhere it's not going to degrade, and then start growing a new forest pulling new carbon out of the air in the same location. Not everywhere is old growth amazon rainforest.

Environmentalism need to be a local thing, because most environmental issues are local, not global.

anyway, that's my rant. Welcome to my TED talk.