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Bootable business card, wallet sized 50 MB CD-ROM

>tfw nobody has a cdrom drive

@kaia This would've been so cool ca 2002

@kaia@brotka.st 50MB for about 500 characters of text?
What did they put on those cards? a Macromedia Flash player interactive video

@Erpel they put Linux on it - like all nerds do with anything they can put Linux on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootable_business_card

@kaia@brotka.st ​​ A Linux is nice on the other hand.

Clearly a nerd invented this and not some marketing agency...

@Erpel @kaia what? You guys don't have your FSF associate USB cards?


(I have mine I just can't bloody find it right now to take a picture.)

Do those still work, or did someone make new stock? I know a lot of CD-Rs are basically coasters now due to chemical break down.

@thendrix I saw some being sold on ebay, but I presume it's old stock and suffer from the degradation you mention.

@Erpel @kaia vcard file and a pdf often

@kaia I know these...

@kkarhan they're so cute

@sun @kaia @Erpel they still haven't lost their v card, huh?

@kaia Damn, my GNU/Card clearly needs to be a GNU/GNU Linux-libre on a DVD carved into the shape of a GNU.

@Erpel @kaia Java, didn't you know, 3 billion devices run java, including businesses cards

@fuchsiii @Erpel @kaia even your bank card, credit card and SIM card run !