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This is anti-German hate speech

I hate jews

Including half-jews

Why would mastodon care that you hate Israel? Plenty of mastodon users do too

>twisting birds
I have never heard that saying before

I am too, did Jew know?

(Not really because my mother's not. But my dad is)

Ah, I see. It would have been funnier if you had actually meant that

Cc: @rgb

I want to know why ireland?

The lithography that makes the chips in the computer youre using was invenred in lithuathia

Surviving doesn't necessarily mean being an active participant though. You don't need to kill people.

Autists invented the sonic you use to hear things

I fail to see how the Lithuanians needed to kill those Jews

What did you mean then? What does it explain?

I meant in cases where it's just an oppressive government and you're not being directly attacked

I'm half Jewish so no, I wouldn't be. AFAICT everyone else should be fine though

I'll admit I don't know much about history

Unless I managed to hide it, which could work

>get killed by both for being accused of opposing either
There was no one who just claimed to be and acted apolitical and were left alone?
Not a particularly brave choice, but possible. And it's certainly preferable to taking either of the two sides


Why do you ask

Wait, so when you say you hate countries you mean you hate the people living there?

That was a joke lol

I need to get some rest too. Stayed up all night.

*the germans did what people have always been doing

Why do you hate yourself?

>satanic pedophiles
Takes one to know one

Aren't you German?

It is never rightful to hate yourself unless you're individually a bad person

If you hate all Germans then by extension you hate yourself


That has never made sense to me. If Nazis worship strength so much then they should worship the Jews because by their own logic they are a stronger, more effective people.

Nazis say that Jews use their intelligence/cunning to control and exploit white people. Intelligence and cunning are (at least metaphorically) a form of strength. That is what I meant.

You mean that their worship of strength is actually about making sure their people in particular are strong, not a belief in a universal "might makes right"?

I assumed she meant she hates the governments

Or other aspects of the area, but not necessarily the people

Gregory Cochran

Huh. I’ve looked at his blog occasionally

You literally call yourself "ethical pedophile". You have no business judging Jews

Maybe not you individually, but you come across as kind of stuck up insisting Jews are intellectually superior to all other races.
But of course @s8n was worse.

And you're a retard

I don't know who she was talking about.

We don't even have trustworthy footage anymore thanks to AI