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Over generations, I think people will have to figure out how to deal with the Internet and smart devices. I personally think the way every kid has a smartphone is the wrong way and I don't think kids should have such dangerous devices.

My next book that I'm working on is basically a course on how to use the freebasic programming language, but the scaffolding of the book is going to be about the history of personal computing and all of the little things that you need to know about how computers actually work.

It is exactly as you say, a lot of kids are growing up constantly being praised for how good they are with computers, but in reality they're completely incompetent at computers and they're just good at Facebook or YouTubes app.

When my boy is old enough to play on the computer I want to hook something like a raspberry pi 400 up to the living room TV so not only does he have to figure out how to use it on his own, he has to do it while everyone is seeing what he's doing.

My nephew is a smart kid, and so I bought all the individual parts to build a computer, hook them all up to make sure that they were actually able to function, and then send him that along with install discs for Windows and Linux so if he wanted to be able to use his new computer he would have to figure out how to build it on his own and get it all configured and set up.

I did send him a video on YouTube showing him all the individual little things so that he wouldn't be completely lost, but my understanding is that it was a pretty big challenge for a young kid but he did figure it out. You can imagine that his computer skills are on a completely different level than most of the people his age.