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@palestine @israel

UK denies medical treatment to critically injured children from Gaza.


@faab64 @palestine @israel The hypocrite west doesn't care about people from Gaza, just like they didn't care about the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. And they don't care about many other people that are in desperate situations. They do care a lot about the people and refugees from Ukraine though. Which is logical because the west is mostly responsible for using Ukraine to get Russia into an armed conflict. So they feel kind of guilty and responsible for the Ukrainians.

@seb_tmg I always had that question, until the COVID happened and I realized that most people don't give a rats ass about their own people, so asking them to care about people from places they can't even find on an unmarked map is too much.

COVID, Ukraine war and Gaza has uncovered the absolute disgusting and ugly face of the "civilizes west", where all the BS about law and order was killed by the reaction of the "world" to Russian invasion.
Human rights, empathy, care for innocent children and many other things died during the invasion of Gaza.
And COVID showed that health and wellness of people is not worth much when it comes to corporate interests.