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What kind of degenerates do you have in your family?

@mackya How about gubment sell outs? Shabbos goy?

A politician? That’s a pretty small number of people.

Got a tranny cousin that does live comedy, bashing our family and Christianity.

@mackya Does marrying an English man count as race-mixing?

I have a gay uncle... we don't talk to him really. That's about it. Most of my fam is either normie Republican or the uncle that was a college professor in California.... yeah, he's kind of a shitlib. But no race mixers or troons in my extended family.

I also have a fag uncle, and I also have several race traitors.

I'm sorry to hear that, man. Especially the race traitor shit. Lemme ask this.. do they outnumber the people in your family that had White kids or what?

If I had a daughter (I have no kids), I can assure you that this here would be my reaction upon finding out.

@mackya Need 2 more options....
stupid people

That's literally every family. 😏

@That-Mushroom @mackya tell him he is a below mediocre comedian and call him hack worse than Carlos Mencia but because at least Mencia stole fresh martial that's not almost 40 years.

Oh no, I have a huge family. I have one cousin that married a gook and made mongrels with her. I have one niece that will be marrying a spic (hopefully they will have no kids). Then I have another two nieces that dated non Whites in the past.

Hopefully with the nieces that changes.
My niece turned 16 last month and she's looking into dating so I talked to my brother and his wife and they... while being somewhat normies politically know that niggers are nothing but trouble and already talked to their daughter about staying away from them... well, as far as finding suitors goes.

lol.. i know a guy whose daughter ended up with 3 mud babies .. now she always needs help supporting her bad decision .. whodathunkit?

@iwetoddid @HeliRides3000 @mackya ''Why don't you ask their dad for help?'''

You left out cirrhosis enjoyers.

Oh cool a wiki article about my ex.

@mackya None of those thankfully, the worst is some Kamala supporters.

@mackya Race traitor, that being my cousin dating a fat coal burner with a niglet, and commie (TYT watching relative, went a bit left due to her as a teen but funnily enough she’s the only one I’ve revealed my power level to due the process of redpilling)

@mackya I just classify the ones who encouraged my nephew to troon out as being pedos

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @mackya Yeah, I have a race traitor as one of my relatives as well.

Families are going to torn apart as this country balkanizes. In these new White enclaves, the concept of family will have to be re-thought.

@Bunsen @mackya He was like a brother to me, but he’s chosen his lot and it’s not like he gives a shit about me or his grand-dad (My dad, was raised by my grandparents though mom/grandma remarried before I was born so no blood relation technically) regardless, given he’s not reached out in almost a year.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @mackya Well, that's one way for a family to fall apart.

@Bunsen @mackya Aye, I’ve said nothing here and as I’ve said my folks are normies, I only knew of the coal burning due to a family friend of ours showing off FB lol. Feel bad for dad the most in all of this NGL.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @mackya Could be worse. You could have been raised by a father who got divorced three times.

@Bunsen @mackya Aye my parents despite being normies are good people who unlike most boomers truly care about me and the rest of our family.

@ChristiJunior @mackya Hol' up... People in the USA or Ian Miles Chungus types who LARP as yanks?

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @mackya Definitely talk to them when you get the chance.

Also, you might want to get in shape, given how crazy things are getting in the world.

@Bunsen @mackya Still live at home, and aye, I should start working out some, I’m a procrastinator is the issue lol.

@Rasterman @mackya Non-Americans have preferences when it comes to the US election too, that shit affects all of us.

@ChristiJunior @Rasterman @mackya
As a wise man once said...

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @mackya
>stereotypical character has a crucifix
Japan once again exposed having more faith in other countries than the people from those countries.

@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @mackya Japan likes Virtuous, Godly characters.

I always find it odd realizing how many people used to be able to make entertaining and hilarious content and stopped in their tracks and became political robots instead.

I used to love Yugioh abridged. One of my favorite things period. Today there's a nice big "omg I don't actually believe this plz no cancel" on each episode produced. No wonder, it was actually good.

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @mackya The virtue of siding with a Marxist spiteful mutant agitator.

@sj_zero @ArdainianRight @Rasterman @mackya And the weird thing is, these faggots would actually be *better, more effective* ambassadors for their evil ideology if they just pretended that the work that made them famous was compatible with or even inspired by it.

@ChristiJunior @sj_zero @Rasterman @mackya
He made fun of the crossdressing Mokuba episode once in like 2009. Therefore he has to bow and scrape before troons for all eternity.

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Rasterman @mackya
If I can be even half the American the Japanese think I should be I can die happy

@ArdainianRight @Rasterman @mackya @sj_zero I just can't relate to that complete lack of self-respect and dignity.

None, happy to say