FBXL Social

I sorta feel like the Tuskegee Syphillis experiment should be the final word in "The Government wouldn't do that".

1. It's totally monstrous.
2. It wasn't some flash in the pan "well we decided to do a thing but we stopped right away", they did this monstrous thing for 40 years.
3. They had opportunities to end it but decided not to. A "Mere" 28 years in one worker said "Hey, we should stop this it's monstrous" and they refused to after forming a committee.
4. Everyone agrees it happened.

Shooting a powerful guy is bad, but watching hundreds of innocent people suffer, die and pass on to their wives and children a treatable disease for 40 years while lying to them about treating them because you're curious to see what it looks like is on a level where all manner of evil is totally acceptable.

They see us as state property to be disposed of as they wish.

I've never been banned from a major social media platform. My youtube is up without incident. My reddit accounts only disappeared because I personally deleted them. My facebook account was perfectly safe until I personally deleted it. And so on and so forth.

When I realized you could no longer use these communications websites to communicate, that's when I left them. Decentralized communications such as the fediverse are the only choice imo.

I don't disagree, but since we have the same screen showing two movies right now, I prefer using facts people who disagree with me already advocate so they can't dispute my logic on a base factual basis and must instead face my arguments from a practical basis.