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@jeffcliff "People I don't like are on it therefore it is dead"
Holy Main Character Syndrome, Batman

@jeffcliff Na it's /pol/ that's dead these days

@mrsaturday @jeffcliff

Tbfh true, talking shit is fair but obsessively stalking is crazy as fuck. It's like some people are asking to be magdumped

@Kshatriyah @jeffcliff You'll find creepshows no matter where you go, and yes, nailbatting stalkers should be justifiable

we should make a pro-NFT one of these with that monkey

also still using gifs ?? what is this 1998? THIS SHOULD BE A PNG 🎗️

@jeffcliff I can't believe I didn't notice!

I'm always surprised these people left big tech since it's already the closest thing to the echo chamber they want.

@sj_zero @jeffcliff They think big tech doesn't go far enough. Anything short of Boston Dynamics dogs going door to door shotgunning chuds is unacceptable

@jeffcliff Dude posting in courier because he thinks it makes him look l33t, smh.

There are a number of right-wing extremists, up to and including white nationalists and self-proclaimed neo-Nazis, who run Mastodon or Mastodon-compatible servers and communicate over them. I’ve never seen most of these servers, because the servers I use block them all and they tend to block us too (a rift I have in the past called the Great Fedi Divide), but they’re definitely out there.

How do you know, if you’ve never seen it? Wankspangle.

@jeffcliff Also, we block them? Do we? I know spin doesn’t, I know a handful of users / single instance guys do, but in general? I think not.

@mrsaturday @jeffcliff

Some random sisterfuckers circlejerked the idea I'm some random bastard they have issues with. I even sent confirmation from the owner of AS that they got the wrong guy.

I understand 'Oh we should be understanding' with mental illness, but sometimes a good old beating up works too.

@Kang_Kong3 @jeffcliff /pol/ is website hosted by Mossad where FBI agents trying to get CIA agents to fedpost while the NSA watches.

@istvan @jeffcliff And the same 14 or 15 low effort bait threads getting constantly re posted

@jeffcliff Troon seething and coping. Dial 8.

@jeffcliff Huh, good point!

>be me
>personification of color
>literally talk about my day to day life
>internet racist and schizos like my post

What are spc and spw?

@mrsaturday @jeffcliff lmao mogged by the linux autists

i dont know why people just moderate their own experience and just chill. it's easy as fuck

@jeffcliff ok "Nora"

@Hyperhidrosis @jeffcliff
>personification of color
>person of cat
At last I truly see

Yeah, the whole "platform Y is dead because people I don't like are using it" is dumb particularly when you're talking about a w3c standard. Literally everyone is using tcp/ip, and http and https, and html, and emcascript. You can't use the internet if your line is "if someone I don't like uses the thing then it's dead to me" because the same internet is used by pretty much everyone, and people just have to coexist for the most part.

@skylar @jeffcliff >Here's a quarter, kid. Go but yourself a better computer

@jeffcliff I think the 13 million people would disagree. 😂

@jeffcliff that doesn’t sound right either. 117 million threads users?

Even if that’s the case, threads isn’t really part of the fediverse in the traditional sense, it’s more like the red headed step child, given how many instances are actively blocking it. 😅

@jeffcliff Is there a site that tracks overall posts per day on the entire fediverse? Would expect that it is actually severely down if we don't count threads.

@jeffcliff there is a lot of extremely dumb stuff in this article, but the “Instance Drama” section is actually correct

@jeffcliff @mrsaturday at this point, I wish just so I could troll

@jeffcliff the ideoform has been tainted, billions must defederate.