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My brain is rotting in real time, do not let Linux devs cook with identity politics

@fuggy who is this retard?

I love these idiots "We need to be inclusive, so you're no longer included"

I blacked out halfway through wa happund?

@justnormalkorean@poa.st KDE is sexist I am not using it I will use their own logic gladly

@fuggy @justnormalkorean this old article is proving to be prophetic, time and time again:

@dia@poa.st @justnormalkorean@poa.st nothing not true here tbh

@fuggy I don't understand anything they're talking about!!!

@Hyperhidrosis @fuggy that’s a yikes, fam! You need to. Do. Better. 💅educate theyself!

i dont get it why they recoil so much at this

@fuggy dude really saw a furry and was against it because its a girl????


@mischievoustomato @fuggy

why have cute anime girls for mascots when you can have these soulless abominations?

this shit is much worse

@dielan @mischievoustomato @fuggy Now THAT'S what I call professionalism

@mischievoustomato @fuggy Cute revulsion. They see something cute and appealing and instinctively recoil. He's using the professionalism excuse, but I'm sure if he was "off the clock" he'd be dropping "pedophile" like a Poastie throws around racial slurs.

it's not understandable

@mischievoustomato @fuggy I don't really get it either, but I will say it's a phenomenon.

I'll admit Krita's art isn't the most professional, but we're talking about a free Photoshop alternative. You want something buttoned-up and corporate, consider the corporate option instead.

imo, shit can be professional tooling but not have uber le super serious logos and shit

@mrsaturday @mischievoustomato @fuggy what is worrying is when is that cute revulsion going to become cute aggression and they attack anything that's cute out here

@mischievoustomato @fuggy There are plenty of women that would like pictures like the ones he's complaining about, and definitely more than the Google Noodles big tech normally uses.

yeah definitely, the anime art is beautiful

@dielan@shitposter.club @mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website If you must/want to have a guy for shits and giggles the Chinese figured it out for you

@dielan@shitposter.club @mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website Oh but nvm we can't have nice things in that regard either

we still get femboys on hoyo games

@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website Not for long it might be a meme today, but just wait when they can't pay off the censorship board enough to shut up

well, i also play for the girls so whatev