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Lord Miles suggests a White Strike.

Would be interesting to see an uprising that leans on guerilla noncompliance.

Society depends on compliance.

@Terry Israel trying to coup the left out of the UK is how it looks.

@carthage yeah sure buddy

@threalist if it were an organized strike I can definitely see that happening

@Terry @threalist It is more effective because of plausible deniability. The authorities can round up anyone in the vicinity of the riots, but how can they decide who is boycotting and who simply decided not to order out that day?

@Terry I don't think a bank run can work anymore, banks that run out of cash just tell people to come another day and it isn't entirely uncommon because banks tend to keep only tens of thousands on hand now (to make bank robbery a non-event financially, they happen a LOT). People would just use credit/debit and be mildly inconvenienced. For a similar effect you'd have to have payment processor servers destroyed, and that's practically impossible unless you cut the international internet cables too.

SVB collapsed last year due to a bank run.

@Zettour @Terry >People would just use credit/debit and be mildly inconvenienced
>go to supermarkets, pull out $500
>do this 3 times a day

@Terry can't wait for everyone in those groupchats to get sent to jail in no-knock raids while Miles remains suspiciously unharmed, and his social media posts to sound increasingly like racist-but-pro-zionist BAP yap