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🌲-alist | @threalist@social.fbxl.net

sometimes this shit feels like controlled opposition, are there really people this retarded?

You will own nothing, and you WILL be happy.

Under communism, however, the family came under direct and sustained assault by the government, which saw its sovereignty as a threat to state control of all individuals... Traditional families, Christian and otherwise, living in the postcommunist liberal capitalism of today know all too well that the left-wing assault on traditional marriage and family commenced in the West with the sexual revolution in the 1960s.
Live not by lies

When Trump got into office, the swamp launched all kinds of false attacks on him. These were mostly driven by Democrats. (one example was the Russian collusion hoax). All these attacks created chaos and turmoil. Everyone of them has been proven to have been launched based on unfounded bs accusations.
Then Biden comes in and, of course, it all stops. So he takes credit for saving us from the Trump Chaos, the press goes along. All this I get, what blows my mind are the retards that believe it.

@judgedread Hillary had all that for sure, but pretty much nobody other than Coulter really thought Trump was going to win. I'm about half convinced that Trump himself didn't think he was going to win, and was just running to big up his brand a bit.

If re-whitening the military is the goal or a main goal, then yeah, Harris is not going to cut it.

I can't put a finger on exactly why, but I get a distinct feeling that this doesn't seem to be a "find a goat for sacrifice" deal. The money came in too much too fast? The rapid solidification of party support? It has an anointing vibe, not a "lol good luck noob" vibe.

I don't put a lot of stock in what Harris said in the past as until now she was never a real player. Whatever she said was for the party people, it didn't mean anything. If she's really in for really reals, those that must will sit her down and tell her what to say from this point forward. So absolutely agree, keeping an eye on what she emits from her gob until the election will be the tell.

@morgthorak @judgedread Over the next 100 days she will be treated to the best fluffing the media can muster. Glowing pieces on how down-to-Earth she is, what kind of wacky things she likes on pizza, the supportive buzz from staffers extoling her great strengths, the rave reports by celebrities who had exclusive sit-downs with her, etc.

It doesn't matter if it's true; it's True On TV.

How she polled in the past won't matter. She's not up against a gaggle of other Dems with better institutional connections and fanbases. She's been annointed by the Party. Already there are (probably bullshit) polls that put her ahead.

The next debate will be stacked in her favor. If she does passing well, the narrative will be how Presidential she looked. How in control. Poised, ready to lead.

Underestimating the push for Harris is a mistake. Unless the Team B scenario is an absolute, 100% lock, the Dems can propagandize her into a position where they can win, or at least put them in light-cheating distance of winning. And a Harris administration might be just as workable--or workable enough--as a Trump administration for any Team B-type goals.

It's possible that Harris could go out in public and eat her own turds on camera, but I wouldn't count on this. This is a Hail Mary, but it is a very real, very dangerous Hail Mary.

@judgedread She's horrible and she won't wear well over the next 100 days. I still want to see if anything happens during the convention. Her support is paper thin and many people do not yet know how awful she truly is as a candidate.

so it turns out calling things "gay" because they're bad is literally an etymological repeat of how the word "bad" was invented in the first place

Same vibes

Biden's decision to drop out 'has nothing to do with his health,' White House says https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4790992-biden-drop-out-health/


I wonder why this kind of police response is allowed now, but didn't happen against BLM/antifa

What is different? Certainly not the scale..

nice! cumala has the preteen girl vote locked up

I think there is a Sun Tzu quote about underestimating your opponent..

You underestimate the influence of celebrities on the voting population.

Mob rule is dangerous.

A “people’s car” so to speak?

@catmanmancat @jb @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @WoodFren Working stiffs should be able to buy a reliable $10,000 new car. A base Mitsubishi Mirage, which is basically a medium-sized soda can with an engine in it, is $17,000 😒

looks about right

I don’t think women actually like men
