FBXL Social

I've literally never seen anyone repost as many happy bday posts as graf did, it's literally psychotic. Sprinkled with shilling for donos obv.

Is this your way of communicating that you want us to make happy birthday posts for you too?

@bot leaked photo of graf

Check grafs tl, it's literally 10000 retweets of ppl simping, it's so gay and cringe (p sure I saw you there too btw).

Be sure to donate at least 0$ a month to help keep seal cafe going btw, help a nigga out

Seal cafe is the only instance that deserves donations.

@bot @kroner @Hoss While you were gone we funded it for almost a year.

Still haven't paid for months (thanks again btw)

I didn't make a happy birthday post lol.

I'll have to check my records but I believe you.


Wow chat, can we double this amount?

Wait, are we shilling to have people not donate to things?

Remember everyone, donate the maximum amount of 0$ to help keep the fbxl network running!

Seal cafe is literally the best fedi instance but I'm sure you understand my predicament. I don't need some bitcoin pedophiles doxing me.

@kroner @bot @Hoss of course

I was sort of making a joke

I do appreciate donations however they aren't necessary for me to keep this running (just helps me save money on hosting fees)

Seal.cafe is pretty based, but the best? Idk I feel like there could be at least one instance ahead of it. Just a feeling tbh.

Nobody really knows that fbxl is about or the guidelines. Your instance doesn't really have a message or identity, that's the problem tbh. I'm not criticising you, I'm js.

@Hoss @D00B @bot @kroner SPW best instant retard!!!!

@Hyperhidrosis @Hoss @D00B @bot @kroner Gay, never heard of them.

Look at me.
I'm the SPC now.

@ForbiddenDreamer @D00B @bot @kroner @Hoss you have made a powerful enemy.

"SPC" literally censors, even the tranny janny. I've shilled your instance too btw, I think you're trustworthy unless you're trying to dox ppl that are receiving free government cheese.

@bot @D00B @kroner @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis our instance is the best.

I had to bully your tranny janny to not let ppl post images that doxed them, and he still hates me because I told him to exercise (he's fat).

Yeah, this isn't really a big instance with a huge core message or anything. The important thing here is that since it's literally just parts scavenged from roadside signs hanging on a wall I couldn't in good conscience ask for donations. I'm happy to have a few cool regular users.

Look at me. I'm the SPC now.

@bot @D00B @kroner @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis who are you even talking about

Your tranny janny retard.

>and he still hates me because I told him to exercise (he's fat).
Many such cases.

@Hyperhidrosis @bot @D00B @ElDeadKennedy @Hoss @kroner she is still taking credit for badgering me into installing an extension in pleroma that strips EXIF data from images.

@bot @D00B @kroner @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis idk who our jannies are I only recognize the power of my Beloved and Most Trusted Most Reputable Venerable Leader

Ask him about this, I did you retards a favour.

4chan never should've started stripping EXIF from uploads. We could've had so many more funny accidental selfdox stories like the Burger King foot lettuce guy.

Oh wow you really took the Sun meme to heart eh?

@Hoss @bot @kroner Oh man this activated the same pathways in my brain as remembering an embarrassing middle school moment