FBXL Social

I've always thought it would be interesting to have a democratic online forum or fedi instance where you can vote on leaders and/or rules

You might like Nostr (which is bridged to the fediverse via mostr.pub) or Polycentric (the new version of which is currently full of comments on videos because it is used by Grayjay and also you can’t block anyone yet on either version)

Not a solution for everyone. Only those with technical ability and money.

If it was that easy, there would be far fewer non-admins

And I bet $25/month is still too much if you're *really* poor

And even if you host your own, you are still subject to your hosting provider, so things like Nostr and Polycentric are still necessary

Fedi is hopefully getting signing at some point though, so that's good

Sure. Having a choice is better than nothing. But not having to make a choice (Nostr, Polycentric, fedi if @silverpill ever succeeds in making fedi like Nostr) is better than both.

Out of interest, how much does goreslut cost you?

How much did it cost her?

Pleroma/Akkoma/Rebased/etc are what people usually use if they run a small instance and/or want to reduce costs


Doesn't Pleroma do that as well?

I was going to mention it in the above post but forgot

>The competition between fedi software will eventually drive the price down to almost zero.
How does that work then? Wouldn't the competition between hosting modes/providers be more relevant? The software itself is usually free of charge.

Oh, I see. You meant the resource cost of running the software.
And there's a social (reputation) and to some extent financial (donations) incentive to make your software efficient, so that sounds plausible.

>The end game is a social web node that doesn't need a domain name at all and runs from your phone.
Sounds like Revolver cc: @p

It can be made better with technology that's architected differently though. See the rest of the thread

Such as Nostr, Polycentric, and silverpill’s FEPs

Nostr and Polycentric are already working though

Yes, but users aren't subject to the arbitrary whim of a single admin, which was the point

Did you not read the OP or something? That was the goal. Costs and ability came later and wasn't really meant to be a goal (except by silverpill)

I'm saying that ease of hosting isn't a solution, signed content and decentralisation is.
What are you saying?

>oracle vps (not mine)