Victoria Smith is absolutely brilliant.
Regarding feminists who vote Republican (or other conservative parties where they live) because of the extreme misogyny we see from liberals in connection with the transgender movement:
"Donald Trump doesn’t know what a woman is, either"
> “Grab ‘em by the pussy” misogynists make no distinction between sex (as a biological reality) and gender (as a social hierarchy). The two are completely intertwined — just as they are for trans activists. Right-wing men are not going to one day “forget” their own gender ideology and just see women for who we are, in all our diversity. To them, we are “protected” whether we like it or not. When trans activist Andrea Long Chu defines “as female any psychic operation in which the self is sacrificed to make room for the desires of another”, Trump is in total agreement. He’s all for essentialised feminine submission. He merely takes a dim view of male people who base their whole identities on a sexualised version of it (if he thinks of them at all).
Regarding feminists who vote Republican (or other conservative parties where they live) because of the extreme misogyny we see from liberals in connection with the transgender movement:
"Donald Trump doesn’t know what a woman is, either"
> “Grab ‘em by the pussy” misogynists make no distinction between sex (as a biological reality) and gender (as a social hierarchy). The two are completely intertwined — just as they are for trans activists. Right-wing men are not going to one day “forget” their own gender ideology and just see women for who we are, in all our diversity. To them, we are “protected” whether we like it or not. When trans activist Andrea Long Chu defines “as female any psychic operation in which the self is sacrificed to make room for the desires of another”, Trump is in total agreement. He’s all for essentialised feminine submission. He merely takes a dim view of male people who base their whole identities on a sexualised version of it (if he thinks of them at all).
@taylan Isn't transgender nonessentialist feminine submission better for women than the right-wing essentialist form, since women can just "change their gender"?
@Hyolobrika In theory, yes. In practice, trying to completely decouple words like "female" and "woman" from female biology has some big problems:
1. It's extremely impractical and will not work. People will continue to associate "female" with, well, the female sex. As such, many if not most girls growing up in such a culture will continue to see feminine submission as being their "default" role, and think they have to jump through hoops to dissociate themselves from it, needing to come out as trans and whatnot. For every girl who says "I guess I'm non-binary / a trans boy because I don't actually want to be submissive" there will be another girl (or maybe ten other girls) who think "I guess I should be submissive, since I'm a girl."
2. Similarly, if female is defined as submissive and male is defined as dominant, this fosters "boys will be boys" mentality and lets men get away with "toxic masculine" behavior. It normalizes men identifying as "cis" manly men who need to express their manliness through arrogance and even aggression.
3. It leaves no words to describe the realities of people who are born with the type of body that, you know, "can menstruate and become pregnant and stuff." When you don't even have words to describe your reality, you can't organize very well to work on issues that affect you.
1. It's extremely impractical and will not work. People will continue to associate "female" with, well, the female sex. As such, many if not most girls growing up in such a culture will continue to see feminine submission as being their "default" role, and think they have to jump through hoops to dissociate themselves from it, needing to come out as trans and whatnot. For every girl who says "I guess I'm non-binary / a trans boy because I don't actually want to be submissive" there will be another girl (or maybe ten other girls) who think "I guess I should be submissive, since I'm a girl."
2. Similarly, if female is defined as submissive and male is defined as dominant, this fosters "boys will be boys" mentality and lets men get away with "toxic masculine" behavior. It normalizes men identifying as "cis" manly men who need to express their manliness through arrogance and even aggression.
3. It leaves no words to describe the realities of people who are born with the type of body that, you know, "can menstruate and become pregnant and stuff." When you don't even have words to describe your reality, you can't organize very well to work on issues that affect you.