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is political left and right still even a thing? It seems more like

1. sensible parties like pirates, greens
2. populists because you are over 60 and watch tv too much
3. right wing because you are fucked in the head

or in US and britain you choose which flavour of evil you prefer but it ultimately doesn't matter that much

@piggo you don’t choose anywhere, a single vote is completely inconsequential. Don’t be be fooled by summing up votes, your vote doesn’t matter and you don’t influence anything with your vote.

@piggo I find it hard to categorize "caring about the right things" into right or left anymore.

@lain thats why we have like 30% turnout and the actual fascists who mobilized their voters get seats

@piggo I’m not talking about random other people in taking about your vote

@lain my vote, specifically, counts

@piggo it’s counted but it doesn’t make a difference. If right before voting you’d have a heart attack and wouldn’t be able to cast that ballot, nothing would be different

@lain @piggo oh dont worry here in the US people who have been dead for years still turn out to vote

@lain @piggo I watched a video one time that explained how Iran wasn't really a democracy because there's an elaborate process to obscure the fact that you can only pick from preselected candidates. But when I think through the American system it is at least as bad and far more obfuscated to hide that fact.

@lain thats a pretty weak reason to not vote

@piggo feel free to do it if you like it, I don’t mind either way, I just think you’d get more return from baking bread instead

@lain @piggo if you want to get the biggest bang for you political buck get something that makes an actual bang

@why @lain true patriots don't stay in their grave on election day!

@piggo @lain you know what they say vote early and often

@lain well you are in america and cant vote anyway aren't you

@piggo now you got me, I’m just jealous

@lain @piggo actually, especially on a regional level, there still are wins by few votes, so it still can change something

@piggo I love how European greens are generally against nuclear energy 💀

@piggo btw polish left sent three people to EU parliament and they are two gays in a relationship, one who was accused of violence by his mother and the other who owns five flats and then Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus

@why @lain @piggo You have to let the dead vote. Otherwise you'll just kill people you disagree with!

@lain @piggo every time someone proposes using the market instead of regulations to punish bad players I think of takes like this one. How can we expect people to vote with their wallets if they use copium like this to not have to move their ass once every couple of years to vote for free?

@Amikke @lain @piggo exactly. Even if it doesn't matter that much, it's proportionately easy to do it, so you might as well

@lain @piggo votes in aggregate matter though. If everyone who would vote for a certain party suddenly decided not to, that would definitely be consequential

@lain @piggo my point is that it's like saying it doesn't matter if one single person, for instance, doesn't put their litter in the bin. If everyone did that, it would matter.

ok US is more like literal hitler vs brain death, right now

@piggo well it's lazy retard hitler vs brain death