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I had to replace my phone battery recently, so I got an idea. I set up tasker (remember tasker?) to switch my phone to protect the battery from shortly after I'm typically asleep until shortly before I typically wake up. Thereby, every night my phone will stay at 85% for most of the night, only charging up when I'm about to wake up, which my understanding is it should help keep the battery running a lot longer with no real impact on my day-to-day usage.

@sj_zero There's a neat app called Acubattery that lets you set alerts, check your real battery health, etc. I believe 20-80% is the golden zone for minimal battery wear. I think it's Samsung that lets you cap your max charge by default now at the OS level if you want to cap your battery at 80%.

@sj_zero this is a built in feature on some android phones, and newer windows laptops

It's a built-in feature to stop charging at 85%, but I don't think it's a feature to schedule it. That's what I'm using Tasker for, to activate the feature during the times that I would expect the phone to be sitting on a charger for an extended period.