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So the covid vax works by encoding some proteins from the covid virus into an RNA sequence, which the body translates into proteins* and triggers an immune response, right?

What's stopping us from putting a protein from hair follicles into the RNA, so that you get an immune response to hair? Aka, induced alopecia universalis?

*edited from "DNA". I was misremembering

Who the hell wants to be allergic to hair?

My guess is that it'd be difficult to target just hair follicles because of reused proteins. You'd accidentally get an immune response to your liver or something equally bad.

But if this RNA vax technology had come out when I was still a teenager, I'd now be going to med school and experimenting with a lot of hopefully very bald rats right now

@foone Aren't there hairs in your ears that are necessary for hearing.. could this make a person deaf?

@sirspate not sure. There's definitely people with no hair who can still balance/hear fine.

@Hyolobrika do you know how big the hair removal industry is?

Making your body allergic to your own hair would be the ultimate weapon against hair.

@kacey I'd love to have it. I've talked to others who agree.

Trans femmes, for example, spend a lot of time and money getting rid of hair.

@foone if castro was still alive the CIA would be doing this

@jake2 maybe Castro is dead because the cia did this

Basically I'm saying that I'm seeing a lot of promising research about using mRNA vaccines to cure autoimmune diseases, and not enough research on how to cause them

How would you make it so that you're only allergic to the hair you don't want?

@foone Is there an obvious use case I'm missing or do you just want to look like the 2023 version of Feyd-Rautha or something?

@nebulousmenace well I've spent nearly two years getting electrocuted on a weekly basis to get rid of my hair, and it's not even close to being done.

getting rid of all of my hair all at once seems like it'd save a lot of time

@Hyolobrika that's the tricky part.
but between the options of "all the hair I have now" and "none of the hair I have now", I'll go for the latter and wear a wig

@foone or immune system tries very hard not to produce antigens that targets our legitimate cells/proteins, otherwise you get autoimmune diseases, which are not a lot of fun.

@tshirtman yeah. but clearly it doesn't fully work at that, so while it's gonna be autoimmuning me, I just want it to autoimmune against shit I don't want

@foone @kacey at the expense of head hair and even eyebrows? (I know losing eyebrows is quite hard on cancer patients)

@temptoetiam @kacey given how much pain and time and money I've gone through to get rid of a small part of my total hair, that'd be acceptable. I can draw on eyebrows and wear a wig.