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this is why I've consistently said it requires both elites and the working class.

Elites also always hate each other, but simple plotting doesn't get regimes changed. It gets coups broken apart and people killed.

For change there must be both. But also note you will have unstable societies until you end up with elite and working class that are in general ok enough with things for crazy shit to stop.


Kind of like how the Conquistadors took over the Aztec empire, by leveraging the hatred of the peasants toward the existing regime.

@threalist this is why I also talk about the elite splitting. For a long time there has been no point in elites in any country fighting the US. It had too much power. So everyone, everywhere was essentially on board.

People sung the praises of "globalism".

But now with the US weakening and China and Russia unhappy with how the deal is structured, things are changing - and fairly rapidly.