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you swear like everyone wants to be a productive member of society

@freemo @scottsantens BS. When are you going to get it through your head that isn't enough work and jobs are disappearing and vacancies are oversubscribed? Qualifications don't help if there's no job to go into.
And some people prefer their own businesses. UBI enables that.


I said we are done. Continue and I will block you.


@freemo @scottsantens

"If thats what you need then thats why I include psychiatry int he list of things that one may need to do instead of job training. if a licensed therapist says you need it I dont mind that help being provided, but its too easilya bused otherwise."

Right there, you provide conditions for your welfare, which are unacceptable.

What do you do if an individual says "I need rest"? How can the therapist determine that? WHY SHOULD SOMEONE NEED PERMISSION?


Right there, you provide conditions for your welfare, which are unacceptable.

I have literally called it β€œconditional welfare” and yes, that is intentional and not just acceptable in my eyes, but required to be effective at all.

What do you do if an individual says β€œI need rest”? How can the therapist determine that? WHY SHOULD SOMEONE NEED PERMISSION?

Because your asking everyone else to pay for your rest. If you are a productive member of society enough so you can finance your own rest time then you dont need permission. Once you start asking others to pay for your down time then yes, you should need permission.


@freemo @scottsantens More to the point, it is implicit that you would stop monies if someone didn't train, or didn't do what you told them to do.

You ARE advocating a system that WOULD KILL.


No that was an assumption on your part because you didnt bother to ask.

the basic need of minimal food and a place to sleep out of the elements as a minimum is non-conditional in this hypothetical system.



You havent even bothered to ask enough questions to know what my system is, let alone if it would kill. As is evident by your recent comments.


@freemo @scottsantens So people have to work and not be able to rest in order to get afford the rest they need.

Am I getting through, yet?


Nope, if you are smart in how you invest your time you get **ample** rest time and can work and afford both. For atleast a decade I was working 6 months a year and sitting on an island the other 6 months (as a person who started his life on welfare).


@freemo @scottsantens Oh, so you are paying a universal basic income and providing shelter.

Well look at you, you are actually a UBI advocate!


Oh, so you are paying a universal basic income and providing shelter.

There you go lying about what I said again.. and i asked you to go away the last time.

Well look at you, you are actually a UBI advocate!

A soup kitchen is not a UBI, you are being blocked now for thinking it is.


@freemo @jkxyz @scottsantens You can always tell when someone's never been poor because they say things like "most people who are poor have very poor financial hygene."


I grew up in extreme poverty that continued into adulthood. I lived in the ghetto, on welfare in section 8 housing in a home with my grandparents, cousins, uncle, and mother all in the same small home.

Thank you for the QED though regarding your own bias.

@jkxyz @scottsantens

@freemo @Shamar @scottsantens How sad it must be to live in a world where the only value of a thing is what you can get someone else to pay for it.


I literally argued for the exact opposite of that. That things have value that arent marketable just dont expect other people to pay for it.

You seem to have a knack for reading something and interpriting it as the exact opposite of what was actually said.

@Shamar @scottsantens

@freemo @jkxyz @scottsantens You might be the exception that proves the rule. But I do wonder how representative the samples you've taken are of financial hygiene for people in different income brackets.


It would be a tricky thing to show in an experimental objective fashion. But i alw
So pointed out in thread ive taken in some dozen poor homeless people over my life and got them back on their feet. Myself now being financially successful in life and having learned to get out of poverty i feel it is important to help others do the same.

Having been in poverty and helped .any others get out id say i have a far better sampling than most people at least.

@jkxyz @scottsantens

@freemo @Shamar @scottsantens When multiple people have a hard time understanding my words, I think about how to make them clearer.


That assumes the fault lies with your own lack of clarity. It is also possible people are so biased they will hear what they want to hear regardless of what you say.

@Shamar @scottsantens

@freemo @BernieDoesIt @jkxyz @scottsantens Poverty will lead to improved money management skills. Before I started college I bought around $400 dollars in hand tools and a laptop. It took a lot of saving up to buy but good hand tools are an investment that pay themselves off.

I still have those tools and that laptop. A Craftsman 354 piece Mechanics Tool Set and some Toshiba Satellite with an AMD C-50 "Ontario" APU.

Poverty is something that I've never been able to escape. It gets rough but I would like to think it will all pay off one day. I can only say stay sharp, say nawt. One needs every bit of leverage they can get.

@freemo @scottsantens The highest paid jobs require the least amount of work. Your position is demonstrably false.


The highest paid jobs require the least amount of work

Yes, and requires the most upfront, unpaid work (aquiring the skills). Which is exactly th point. People who work smarter, not harder (which is what we want) invest in skills so they can make more money and do less worse. Yes this is the whole POINT of what I said.

Your position is demonstrably false.

How is a fact you admit is a fact that is directly identical to my point proving I am demonstrably false? What?


@freemo @scottsantens Who you know is not a 'skill'. But keep on buying into the propaganda.


I mean your network isnt the skill, your networking skills are. I started out on welfare and in poverty, I had to specifically invest time into building my network (who I know). It involved years of going to events, engaging and even giving talks.

You are making no sense.
