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That's why the propaganda is non stop. If it ever were to ease up people would just come to their senses again.

That's why internet 1.0 was great for humanity. People left radio and TV and went for whatever they liked on Internet, without political censorship.

Now social media have become tools for propaganda with sick globalists in total control.

And basic search engines have become nearly useless due to the same agenda.

Liars are always forced to leave evidence behind - otherwise lies do not work.

I would not say the search engines are useless. I would say their new purpose is to evidence the deception.

If you are into that sort of stuff search engines are a gold mine for you.


Yeah they aren't useless. They are useful for someone but to mee they've become nearly useless.

I remember when I could find real science online. It was easy. Sometimes I had to translate it from a foreign language. It was raw science directly from the source, unfiltered.

Written by scientists for whomever it concerned. Not political pr. Fictions.

But that's just one example. It's like there's a huge filter hiding 99% of the real Web.

Ask me about #TheRON sometimes, we are going to fix all that and some more.


Sounds interesting.
What I really want is a search engine that isn't crawling on, or rather that's not depending on crawling on Google and bing indexed library.

I don't know what it would take to independent index all of internet. But Internet existed before Google.

Perhaps it was All bing, Microsoft back then?

You cannot have it that, large organizations are destined to run off the rails, become corrupt activists.

Central to the concept of #TheRON is that we are not aiming at fixing anything for anyone - that is activism, that is the "good-doer" attitude that has caused all these issues we see today online or offline. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

In #TheRON we keep the internet out, we start from scratch but from in the context of our own best interest. Most people have no idea what is their own best interest, let alone make an effort to represent it.

I do not corrupt my own best interest, I do not sell out my own best interest - you can be assured that what I do in my own best interest is authentic. When I (self)train to be able to achieve it you can be reassured that I am also authoritative.

#TheRON creates expert pools by individuals who work to represent their current priorities and best interest, and are evidently authentic and authoritative.

Yacy is a distributed open source search engine. It isn't amazing, but I'm planning to spin up an instance to add to my searx.


I guess asking to opt out from activism in a world we're activism have become the norm, is considered as activism?

"Can I control this event?"
"Is it affecting me"?

These two questions going to tell you if you should get involved or not. When your answer is 'yes' for both what you are doing is plain civic activity representing / protecting your own best interest.

Otherwise you are a political, religious, intellectual activist, wasting your own resources, credibility, opportunities on something that is not directly affecting you / not able to affect directly.

Its that simple, really.

@sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

I have tried many search engines over the years. So far the best one I have found is freespoke.com

But it is not super great for local search outside of the US.

So the problem is, far as I know all search engines are still crawling on Google/Bing and they seem to be heavily affected of their algos that are 100% politically motivated.

@EvolLove Do you have the freespoke app? Recommend?


Like I said, what you are doing sounds like a good project.

But what I am looking for is a way to unfuck google/bing activist filters that are currently cloaking 99% of internet.

I can't even get passed the first pages. After a few pages it is like, here is the end of internet.

But! Since all data to all pages are still indexed on Google/Bing, maybe, just maybe there is a way to create a client that nullifies the algos currently in control of search results.

I guess it depends on what you are searching for.

At work I use the "professional" version of Bing Copilot which does a very good job - by my own standards - constructing cohesive results from well-constructed paragraphs that describes the issue.

Again, I work a lot on my input, they are all related to environmental regulations and compliance information (I scrub PCBA BOMs). What I do is non-activist, normal professional activity and I guess that type of info never hidden, cloaked or perverted.

Did you try that?


For how long have you used internet for intensive research?

I started using it in the early 90s. I work as a manufacturing engineer and all I have is a GED, I self-trained in everything I know (or I believe to know).


I used to search for and find many pages for about a decade.

During the last 8 years, I noticed that they and similar new pages got harder and harder to find.

Now no matter what I type in I can no longer find them.

I am not looking for anything illegal or ACTIVIST CONTENT activities. I am looking for unfiltered real science.

I do not want to read "about science" through someone else I want to read the data as published by the actual scientists.

For example.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

Yandex has obvious privacy issues, it can't be trusted in that respect, but it usually has very good results.

Yes, internet search is changing. OK.

Its too big for me to worry about that, I only worry about things I can handle.

Besides - one of my pet projects is the Interplanetary File System because I am too tired of garbage like Wikipedia and Google search results are over-the top.

The IPFS, blockchains are going to bring new "search" methods. Until then the internet archives and yes, scihub and others are holds hope.

I agree with you guys, but this is all I know.


I have it. I think of freespoke as the first really good game changer in search in the last decade.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

Also, freespoke.com doesn't work at all without cookies and JS. Can't be trusted for privacy either.

@LCCMV @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

I usually never accept cookies. 🧐

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

You get a completely blank page from freespoke.com if you don't accept cookies.

@LCCMV @EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC So it's no different than google?

@LCCMV @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

I pointed to freespoke.com to show what it was. I use freespoke as a search engine. And in the phone I have the freespoke app.

I do not go to freespoke.com and search I use the Search engine and the app.

And I never accept cookies and It works good with my VPN.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

The freespoke app doesn't need cookies. They have your phone number and all emails registered as "accounts" on the phone plus what other applications you have installed. They know exactly who you are.

@AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

No search engine is the same as google and or bing. The problem is that all search engines are crawling on the Google and Bings libraries.

Earlier, like a decade ago, if yopu just switched search engine to DDK you were good to go. Nowadays, no matter what engine you use you are more or less subjugated under Google Bing.

You will not find what they don't want you to find.

That said, I still get way better results when using freespoke.

This is something I am considering for #TheRON, will be implementing it unless something better comes along.

@LCCMV @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

1 no. Since I use a degoogled phone. It is installed without any google account and so on.

2 Integrity is an important issue but that was not top priority in this quest to find a search engine that is able to look outside of googles ideology.

What search engine do you recommend?

@EvolLove @AlphaKiloPapa @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

Any search engine may be secretly working for GOOG, MSFT or some spook agency. We never know. Never care about what they say, just see what they do.

By the way folks, OVH has a deal on dedicated boxes, I just leased two, put ProxMox on them with a Proxy Manager and everything works as a champ. The two boxes go for about 60 USD and I am pretty happy with them. They are great for IPFS, for yacy and other projects.

@LCCMV @AlphaKiloPapa @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC

Yes and I want a search engine that I can use. Not a search engine that never finds what I am looking for.

So far I find way more relative data with the help of freespoke than any other search engines I have tried in the last 5 years.

But! about a decade ago every search engine, google and bing included were better than any search engine today.

Because it was prior to the big cleanse.

#TheRON is an un-opinionated federated network of owner-operators who can build products, create positive results. A stable and functional IPFS cluster and a P2P search engine are splendid contributions!

@FourOh-LLC @sj_zero

So given time that can become something really big?

Initially it is already working for those who are working with it so to say?

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

SearXNG instances are honest. No cookies and usually no JS.

But their results may be insufficient. In that case you may go back to google or yandex for occasional searches. Yandex is better than bing. Just never forget that they are logging and tracking you.

Startpage also used to be good, I haven't used it in a long time.

@LCCMV @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

So cookies are your number one concern then.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa

JS too. JS catches an awful lot of information, even screen resolution.

@EvolLove Google and the gov already knows everything about me and what i do online, I'm not concerned with security or cookies. I've been on a "list" for 20 years lol I just want real, unadulterated results from a search engine. I'll have to try it out.

I've been using a searxng instance on fbxl that points to most engines other than Google and Bing as my default search engine everywhere -- on mobile on desktop, at home and at work. I keep on thinking that I'm missing something, but then if I have a search that isn't coming up with very good results and I go to Google and try the same search it usually ends up with much worse results. I really expected to miss Google a lot more than I do.

@sj_zero @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @LCCMV @FourOh-LLC Depends on what you’re searching for. I’ve generally found that #SearX is good for news and obscure/rare things, but #Google / #Startpage is pretty good for everything else.

Remember that searx is just a search aggregator, so it can include start page or even Google results depending on how the instance is set up.

@realcaseyrollins @AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @FourOh-LLC @sj_zero

Google is the main problem so no thanks to google startup page. I would rather use Bing if I had to.

I am already finding loads of data using freespoke, data that I could not find using any mainstream search engine.

Real science about carbon is banned. Real science about vaccine is banned. Historical data about failed Socialism is drastically reduced and so on.

@sj_zero @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @LCCMV @FourOh-LLC That’s exactly why it’s better, it can aggregate things from other search engines even if #Google decides to omit it.

But if you’re looking for nonpolitical or legal things then #Google doesn’t have much reason to hide it so they usually don’t.

I had great success with ChatGPT listing all the governments and time periods where Socialism / Communism was attempted in the past.

So maybe Google is "hiding this", but I cannot see it to be possible for long or to the extent. Nobody can "scrub reality".

@realcaseyrollins @AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @FourOh-LLC @sj_zero

Do you have a link to the search engine you talk about?

(Is there such a thing in existence as not being political in the eyes of the woke feminist ultra communist stassi though?)

@FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @sj_zero @realcaseyrollins

Scrubbing internet clean is easier than you think, it is probably being done by the help of AI now.

Everything that in some way can be used in an argument against the globalist agenda will be removed from internet.

You will not find a list of everything that was deleted, you will find what is still left intact.

You do not miss what you can't find.

I grew up in the 70s and 80s in Soviet-occupied Hungary, which has adopted Socialism TWICE:

The IA going to spill the beans but only if you are a master of your domain, and you learned to interrogate it.

This still exists in Budapest. I graduated in 1986 as a railway tech and I worked with old timers who spent some time in there. They were tortured, they were missing fingernails and fingers, and the story was that they lost the body parts at the lathe or at the punch-press.

A lot of men committed suicide after being tortured and were forced to testify against innocent people.


I have found Kagi to be more useful than any other search engine since before 2016. And I like paying for a service and knowing I am the customer instead of being the product for an advertiser who is the search engine's customer.

I have started paying for my email, search, and cloud storage again and it is liberating to be (mostly) out of the google archipelago.

I grew up listening this comedian on BOTH radio stations in the 70's and the 80s.

@FourOh-LLC @AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @sj_zero @realcaseyrollins

How long do you expect that to work?

I mean until those who are in total control of every decision of their own business decides to us the AI to self censor everything they deem as unfit for the public EYE.

Not long ago, being a master prompter was enough to find anything on google. Today it is gone.

It is not due to lack of tallent searching. It is literally gone, it might say 35k results but all you get are a 100d

@nicholas @sj_zero @realcaseyrollins @LCCMV @AlphaKiloPapa @FourOh-LLC

I am paying for my own domains and my own emails. But now you got me intrigued. A Search engine that you pay to use. I will check this our asap.

I also rather pay for my freedom than paying with my freedom.

The only thing I'm still using Google for is YouTube. Say what you will, it's still the best platform for my exact use case.

Again, I do not mind to host an instance of yacy - I already configure and host everything else from the BIND servers and up.

I understand. I try very hard to find what I am looking for outside of youtube every time, but often end up only finding it on youtube.

My email is postmaster@kane-il.us, and if you live in Kane county and interested in #TheRON ping me. In #TheRON we meet face to face, the same way we used to do in the LUG.

Looks like another key is for people hosting searx to use it as a web proxy so it can crawl those sites and add them all to the index. Wasn't hard to set up on my side, it even uses upnp to make the p2p work.

@sj_zero @nicholas @AlphaKiloPapa @LCCMV @FourOh-LLC @realcaseyrollins

The reason I do not use Youtube is that I refuse to support google in any way.

Youtube is extremely dangerous. Because of its immense influence over humanity. At times of essence youtube or rather google will stab us in the back. Again and again, it is a Trojan horse.

During Covid they censored every sensible doctor and boosted fear mongering.

@nicholas @sj_zero @realcaseyrollins @LCCMV @AlphaKiloPapa @FourOh-LLC

Just found this when reading on Kagi.

Kagi will allow you to discover well-written articles from lesser-known blogs and use features like Lenses and Personalized Results. Ad-supported search must avoid this kind of depth and flexibility to stay profitable. Kagi has unique features, many of which can never be replicated in an ad-supported search engine.

Ill probably subscribe to Kagi 👍

Awesome! Yeah the "small web" lens is pretty cool.

@nicholas @sj_zero @realcaseyrollins @FourOh-LLC @LCCMV @AlphaKiloPapa

If everything else fails I try google but only to rip the content and try to upload it elsewhere without any links to youtube

The problem is when we need the videos the most they will be taken down from youtube and facebook at the same time

Like the doctors during covid, who explained, millions of cases, few deaths, millions of cases, feew deaths

Taken down and put back after tyranny successfully installed


They had me at "Kagi will allow you to discover well-written articles from lesser-known blogs"

This is exactly what I have not been able to find in almost a decade.

That is how I found raw data. From the author directly.