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Joe Biden just announced he is seeking the highest increase in capital gains tax in more than 100 years β€” a raise to 44% which is absolutely stunning

Not only do they want to RAISE taxes, they also want to create a whole new category: an unrealized capital gains tax of 25%

So if you have $100,000 of Bitcoin and it goes up to $200,000… but you don’t withdraw it and cash it out only at $100,000… you still owe Biden $25,000.

Just after Trudi went full mark of the beast with 66.6% capital gains tax?
What in the reformation is happening

Seems like you would end up in a situation where people might not even want to invest anymore. The risk of having to pay tax for money you don't have and never had would be a pretty good incentive not to invest in anything in the United States at least.

Actually, when you think about it if he gets everything that he wants here all it's going to do is and ensuring that the mega rich get richer and the middle class gets destroyed. The ultra Rich can just move their money out of the country...

@sj_zero It looks like "building back better" is about a future without a middle class.