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Maybe the machine didn't show up to pump out votes for Harris because it didn't agree to the Biden coup.

this thought has occurred to me

Trump's 2016 victory united the corporate/bureaucrat wing of the Dems (exemplified by the Clintons but including Biden) with the commie wing (exemplified by Obama but including Harris)

I think their recent infighting has resulted in the establishment Dems sitting this one out


that's the nice thing about conspiracies. when they seem to fall apart, you can always just make up another one.

The crazy position isn't the one that raises concerns about voting irregularities.

The crazy position is in calling people crazy for noticing things.

Really gets the noggin joggin

@threalist @wjmaggos @Sirpantangelini i resolved that whole case internally as not being satisfied by the explanations for some of the weirdness, but we were never going to get real answers.

@threalist @wjmaggos @Sirpantangelini
I love how even normalfags and libtards are starting to admit that something was not right with 2020.

@SuperSnekFriend @wjmaggos @Sirpantangelini @threalist being ahead of the curve is so tiring