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@obihahn huh.

I wonder what it is.

@HiroProtagonist @obihahn

lots of other, less obvious villains, too.


You're kidding, right?


@ghast @obihahn

what's your position?

that you can become obese without a calorie surplus?


My position is that humans are complex systems.

Your comment ignores:
>What you eat matters
>The state of one's digestive system matters
>One's overall nutritional gaps matter
>Activity level matters


@ghast @obihahn

"What you eat matters"

no it does not.

when you're on a calorie deficit, you WILL NOT GET OBESE.

it does not matter what you eat.


Odd, all current investigation into the gut biome disagrees with you.

Odd, as digestibility (what your body can extract from a food) can vary wildly.

Odd, as I explicitly stated one's activity level, which you've chosen to ignore.

You continue to state "deficit", yet you ignore that's different from the total calories stuffed in one's gob. Which is the OP graph.


@ghast @obihahn

"Odd, all current investigation into the gut biome disagrees with you."

what's your definition of "calorie deficit"?

@ghast @obihahn

do you disagree with these?

calorie deficit definitions:

"when a person consumes less calories than they burn"

"when you burn more calories than you consume"

"Consuming fewer calories than your body burns is a ‘calorie deficit’ that can lead to weight loss"


Read my post, you dishonest cunt.



Read my post, you dishonest cunt.


@ghast @obihahn

god damn you're one retarded nigger.


Not sorry you can't read.


@mk @ghast @obihahn

Pretty hard to be on a diet without caring for what to eat.

Also processed food contra raw food is treated different. The less processed it is. The harder it is for the body to obtain what's in it. Including calories.

So if you eat your calories fill based on candy and potatoe chips or if you eat steak, it's a huge difference.

@EvolLove @ghast @obihahn

i said: "when you're on a calorie deficit, you WILL NOT GET OBESE."

do you disagree?

@mk @ghast @obihahn

I do intermediate fsting.
I don't eat food until dinner.

I skip breakfast and lunch. And I'm losing a lot of weight. I eat a lot for dinner and after dinner. I even eat late snacks.

I try to focus more on meat and fish and egg and try to cut down on bread and potatoe and rice. But I still eat those.

Even though I'm fairly convinced that bread, pasta and pizza is something no one actually need. But it's difficult to cut it out.

Anyhow. My diet is working really good.

@EvolLove @ghast @obihahn

why don't you answer my questions?


You're the most pathetic tryhard ever

@EvolLove @obihahn

Yeah... It's an equation with two sides, caloric intake and caloric output. If you take two people, and one of them is sitting there posting on Twitter all day and the other one is riding in the tour de france, it should be self-evident that if they are eating the same amount the outcome will be significantly different.

So let's take another situation, two people sitting on Twitter all day, but the basal metabolic rate is slightly higher in one than the other. We know that certain things affect the basal metabolic rate such as general activity levels or genetics, and potentially certain foods may it affect that as well.

The composition of the food can also make a big difference. As I recall, the test for caloric intake of food basically involves burning the food in a controlled manner. Well there are things that are highly calorie dense but also somewhat inedible. For example, a piece of wood is made out of all kinds of carbon that will burn, but it is insoluble fiber when it comes to our body's ability to break down and use those calories, and so it will basically leave the body the same way that it entered. If you have one person eating 2,000 calories of wood and another person eating 2,000 calories of sugar the body is definitely going to be interacting with those two things in a fundamentally different way, and so one person will starve and the other person will be more or less just fine.

The nutrients contained in food can also have a big difference. When I first started taking vitamin b complex, I was shocked I just how much energy he gave me, because vitamin B is critical in helping your body process fat.

All of this is true, but it's important when trying to lose weight not to get bogged down in details -- in that case calories are the easiest way to gauge where you are and where you're likely to go, but we're not talking about individual weight loss here but the populations, and given the date points we're looking at the details start to matter.

@sj_zero @ghast @obihahn

activity doesn't matter, because i was talking about calorie deficit and surplus.

It's ALL calories burned vs consumed.

here's the definition:



That's a great overview, yes. Only nuance that jumps out to me is differences in gut biome.

So, all of this refutes @mk 's assertion the initial graph/post cannot happen.

But he's desperate to be right, he'll try a redirect or smear.


@ghast @sj_zero @obihahn

"But he's desperate to be right, he'll try a redirect or smear."

what did i say that's wrong?


LMAO activity level doesn't enter into a caloric equation.

You're dumber than any commie or tranny.

@sj_zero @obihahn


You're so stupid and outclassed, I'm beginning to feel bad.

@sj_zero @obihahn

@ghast @sj_zero @obihahn

is this wrong then?

"How to calculate calorie deficit[..]Mifflin-Saint Jeor formula considers your height, weight, sex, age and activity level — which makes it less generic than other calorie calculators,” notes Czerwony."


@ghast @sj_zero @obihahn

so everything was right then.

great. thank you so much

@ghast @sj_zero @obihahn

"he'll try a redirect or smear."

you didn't answer any of questions.

how am i the one redirecting?


You can't read. You are dumb and muted. You've wasted enough of my time.

@sj_zero @obihahn

@ghast @sj_zero @obihahn

hmm no answer...i guess it's not wrong then.

boy. i hope you didn't pay much for your education.



What calories you eat matter.

Also people eating happy pills will bind more fat and water in their bodies over time. And other medicines. Side effect is that you get lazy and hungry but your body also process food different.

I blame bad calories as in junk food. Medicine and smart phones.

@EvolLove @mk @ghast @obihahn

intermediate fisting is great

just to the elbow thanks

no bicep

@amerika @ghast @EvolLove @obihahn

his avatar says "factcheck" he must be the authority on truth then.

@mk @ghast @obihahn

I responded to the post link material picture thingy that stated more obese even though same calorie intake.

@EvolLove @ghast @obihahn

so you missclicked on my-posts-reply-button or you just didn't give a fuck about what i wrote?

@mk @ghast @obihahn

Your also claiming that what you eat doesn't matter and that's were we disagree

Your diet will affect and change your metabolism. Your metabolism plays a huge factor in how your body will either burn or retain energy

You can even lose weight by eating bad food. There are also those who are fat but they lose their hair due to insufficient intake of essential nutrition. Loss of intestional function

So what you eat matters. Garbage in garbage out. Its not just about calories

@EvolLove @ghast @obihahn

"Your also claiming that what you eat doesn't matter and that's were we disagree"

do you lose weight, when you're in a calorie deficit and only eat butter?

@ghast @mk @obihahn @EvolLove yes, if you are on a 1800 calorie diet and you eat 1799 . Technically, you're on a calorie deficit and you would gain weight if you sat around the house all day and watched Netflix.
yes, that's a dick comment but it is true and as you get older, activity in calorie intake become more important.