FBXL Social

For when all your friends know you really need to touch grass.

Me and colleagues used to hack into each others' Mac Minis, which everyone was using for testing, and fooling around with built-in speech synthesizer when we had the need to convey someone has to touch grass 😂

@m0xee Sounds fun. What did you use to hack them?

@m0xee I know very little about infosec

Nah, it wasn't something advanced — we've had standard images for the machines used as test beds: if you messed your test machine up, you could always boot from the network and restore the image, there was a short window in the restoration process when you could log into the machine using ssh and pre-defined password, the trick was to use it to create an extra user so you could keep access to the machine and maybe run sshd on non-standard port in case the owner decides to disable it

In theory you could do this with any machine, but Macs were more fun because of this speech synthesis thing you could use with just the "say" command.
Of course once this was done for the first time, people started taking counter-measures to avoid getting "pwned" so the techniques got more elaborate, such as disguising sshd as something else, which still looked like a valid process that should be there normally, or even making own tools for remote execution 😆