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Current year Redditor hivemind take is that the Confederates were "traitors"

Traitors to what?

Their family? No.
Their community? No.
Their friends? No.
Their beliefs? No.
Their culture? No.
Their State? No.
Their honor? No.

Traitors to current year regime and state mandated morality?

Well, can you be a traitor to something you never agreed to or believed in?

@threalist Whenever a Redditor tries to claim affiliation with Northern Yakee military soldiers, please remind them that the Northern Yankees didn't permit the presence of Niggers in their companies, either. And, were told that the Niggers were being sent abroad afterward. Also, many of those men were Irish and pressed into service against their will.

@threalist Lincoln was America's first dictator.

Why else does he sit on a THRONE?

@threalist Robert E Lee was a "traitor" in their minds because he did not want to kill his friends family and neighbors because lincoln would have told him to

@SIC_Guy @threalist
The memorial was actually modeled on the Temple of Zeus.

So that's not just the throne of a dictator he's sitting on.

It's the throne of a God.

Real sick shit.

@SIC_Guy @threalist

Because he's a shit taker.

@GoodComradeLolaDaviet Everything in the USA is based on the same. Its called "The Christianity-based Western Civilization". Thats why we have Asia, and Africa, and different civilizations.

You are part of NAS I see, and they will "defend" you as they do with all imbeciles of your kind.

The Temple of Zeus = "The Christianity-based Western Civilization"

Thank you, that's the dumbest shit I've read in awhile.

Your are welcome.

You cannot design a "civilization". The best you can hope for is to survive it.

Let me know about your thoughts about Japan fighting to the last man in WW-II.

Of course, you could've stayed above all that, and despite the hundreds of millions who fought and died you would come and say - "I am from No Authority Social, and ...

You are a retard, and so is all the NAS creators and those who sustain that abomination.

"Japan, millions dead, WW2, NAS'

Lol, I'm not even going to try to untangle that mess of non sequiturs.

Stay mad faggot.

Typical NAS behavior, labeling people.

Labels me as NAS

Accuses me of labeling...