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Blockchain for voting is overcomplicating the simple.

Just use paper ballots, in person, day of the vote. Simple.

Anything else adds opportunity for fraud and needlessly complicates something that doesn't need to be complicated.

Could you read the code for the block chain software if someone sent it to you?

Dave Ramsey has good investment advice, to never invest in something you dont understand.

I think that advice applies here too.


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I'm not asking for an explanation of blockhain. I'm saying that neither you not I could parse whatever code they used for voting. I get the concept, but it is needless complexity unintelligible to anyone not specialized in it.

Paper votes the day of the vote worked until computers. Why dont they work now?

If you can't explain the code used to implement a block chain voting solution, how is that better than they software they use now that you can't read?

I understand the concept, but it is a solution looking for a problem.

Do all paper ballots same day and in person.