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@TimeSpent May your new man hold you to "no sex before marriage" 😤

@ForbiddenDreamer May ur man fond your balls too aggressively and take a nail to your sack. 😃

my lord tf


@TimeSpent I do believe I once threatened to hammer you nipples to a wooden table with thumbtacks while you were bent over it; this is just as effective a 'threat'.

@Alex_Fog @TimeSpent This is the real reason she won't invite her bf to fedi. Not because we're too fucked up for him, but because she's doesn't want him knowing how fucked she is too.

i mean id let her punch me innit

@Alex_Fog @TimeSpent She got mad grip strength, practically mannish in nature. Just be careful where she grapples you, innit


@Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer These aren't supposed to be selling points.


@ForbiddenDreamer You wouldn't dare. 🤬
I'm a dangerous individual.

@TimeSpent Not all bondage is leather and r*pe m'lady...

She just doesn't want her bf to make a bunch of cool new friends who might get in the way of her BPD manipulation games.

@TimeSpent @Alex_Fog Precious whenever she looks at her hands:

@Hoss @Alex_Fog @TimeSpent Ngl, grippy bpd pussy usually outweighs bpd gf (for the first few months anyways)

@ForbiddenDreamer @Alex_Fog I'm pretty upfront on that end of it.

I hear heroin is also pretty awesome the first few times.

@Hoss @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent I've heard the same about BPD ex's and Heroin.

@TimeSpent @Alex_Fog You should probably stab him once or twice just so it's clear. If he gets hard, he's the one.

Junkies trying to get clean and men picking up the pieces of their life after a BPD ex really do sound almost exactly the same when you hear them talk about the thing that fucked up their entire life.

@BowsacNoodle @Hoss @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer Boys always say they want crazy until they get crazy. Shrimple as.

@TimeSpent @Alex_Fog You want to break Yockey's heart??

@0 @Hoss @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent Done it before, will probably do it again.


Many such cases.

@Hoss @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent From what I've seen from close friends, a BPD ex is more financially, emotionally, and criminally harmful than heroin. I know some former heroin addicts and ≈$10k and a lawyer can get your life back to normal provided you don't let yourself slip. You'd be lucky to get away from BPD ex carnage for 5x that amount.

@TimeSpent @BowsacNoodle @Hoss @Alex_Fog Crazy definitely needs a tight leash, innit

@Hoss @ForbiddenDreamer @Alex_Fog Me: boring, no drugs, no diagnosed mental conditions 😭

@ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @TimeSpent @Alex_Fog ONLY POAST HANDS WITH A WEDDING RING ON THEM TO CELEBRATE YOUR HAPPY DAY

BPD gf: not even once.

@yockeypuck @ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog Brb team, sending Yockey my bare hands.
So lewd.

What if I wear a stolen woman's wedding ring

I imagine nowaways you don't typically survive being raised by a BPD mom without becoming a sterilized gender guinea pig.


@c @yockeypuck @Alex_Fog @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @ForbiddenDreamer Good plan. I got a quickie marriage earlier just to get around his no lewds poasting.

@TimeSpent @ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog I am going to train you into thinking poasting finger or saying "balls" is aggressively smutty.

@yockeypuck @ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog Sending one finger at a time for that slow burn.

Is that um, is that the edging thingy guys talk about?

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @TimeSpent @Alex_Fog @yockeypuck Still less degen then when she's obedient to be fair

@TimeSpent @c @Alex_Fog @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @ForbiddenDreamer If this was to your man my work here is done.

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @yockeypuck Annoying Yockeyfren is one of my favorite pastimes. 😃

@ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog @yockeypuck I considered denying this for a whole 2 seconds.

@TimeSpent @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog @yockeypuck I also know you considered telling Yockey 'Yes daddy' when he said he was going to train you into behaving, innit

@ForbiddenDreamer @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Alex_Fog @yockeypuck Tbf, I was going to pretend to be his cat. Ginger pussy always calls him daddy BUT I didn't because I am like super well behaved.

@Hoss @Alex_Fog @istvan @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent If your dad is still in your life, it's possible to make it out okay. I know two dudes who nearly bankrupted themselves for joint custody and both of them said they'd rather throw away all their money and still lose than have that shred of doubt. Their kids are going to be okay. It's bullshit and it makes me emphasize with MGTOW types a lot more. A surprising number of married men with happy families have shared similar thoughts privately with me on the wahmyn question.

can confirm, bpd girls will fuck up your life.

I can fix her.

@Tony @BowsacNoodle @Alex_Fog @TimeSpent @Hoss Bpd girls come with chokers for a reason...

>I can fix her.
t. Man about to find out what it's like to be broken.

@BowsacNoodle @Hoss @Alex_Fog @istvan @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent my dad dead, grandpa dead, grandma dead, kinda tired of it.

@ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @BowsacNoodle @Alex_Fog @Hoss If I get a choker to I have to get the BPD too? Asking for a friend.

@TimeSpent @ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @Alex_Fog @Hoss Maybe the real BPD was the GFs we made along the way...

@Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent cluster B girls can be fixed in the same you would fix a headache with hemlock tea

Lol you guys didn't have gfs

You just come to Fedi to bully the moids, don't you?

@TimeSpent @Tony @BowsacNoodle @Alex_Fog @Hoss No, if you get a choker you probably already have it, no need to double dose on bpd (please, don't)

@PeachySummer @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss Not everyone here is an autistic racist incel. I am, but that's just because I'm married with multiple kids.

@TimeSpent Egads!

@ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @PeachySummer @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle I already dm'd everyone your balls.
How much more advertising do you need?

@TimeSpent @Hoss @PeachySummer @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle It's not about advertising, it's about sending a message.

@Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss you're not fixing a bpd bitch on your own
but they're not so bad if you send their ass to the proper therapy (most never do this on their own)

@faggotracist1488 @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss proper therapy = chained to a radiator?

proper therapy = chained to a radiator

@TimeSpent @Tony @BowsacNoodle @Alex_Fog @Hoss Go on, put it on. Better hold though because I'm going straight for the thumbtacks innit

I've heard it's the opposite with BPD. Therapy makes it worse because they just reverse-engineer the advice to become even more effective manipulators.

@BowsacNoodle @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss dialectical behaviour therapy. basically, teaching self control and emotional regulation and shit in a way that actually applies to people with extreme emotions and instability and mood swings and shit like that. cuz ilke the emotions are too strong for the usual development to keep them under control basically. its like the only treatment that actually helps that shit and its generally foudn to be quite effective, but it can be hard to find and most will never recieve it. i've had a very limited amoutn of it and it even helped my bpd a lot compared to what it used to be personalyl, so i imagine going full in really does help as much as they claim. technically it can apply to a few things but its almost exclusively a tailor made treatment for bpd.

though i'm sure a lot of manic bpd bitches would go wild for crazy shit like being chained to the radiator

yah, idk they are so up and down but that's the fun of it

@ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @BowsacNoodle @Alex_Fog @Hoss Stay away from my nipples you heeb.

Now that's a quote for Dreamer's bio right there.

i NEED a bpd gf

@faggotracist1488 @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss Hey a real answer cool. I generally think even less of most "therapists" and their treatment than I do lawyers, politicians, and police, but I could see something like that being actually valuable and useful rather than the usual manufactured problem/solution that a lot of secular therapy involves.

@Hoss @TimeSpent @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle Going right under the gcl one innit

@BowsacNoodle @faggotracist1488 @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss Most modern therapy is just pill pushing.

@BowsacNoodle @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss yeah traditional therapy is very hit or miss and psychiatric is often harmful pseudo-science its quite sad

@Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent that's that reputation but its honestly quite exaggerated, atleast in self referring patients that is which should be the norm. still more than normal though. that's cbt the default though, which while it might help other things is probably barely gonna do jack shit to bpd. you need dbt therapy, and that actually proves effective and hasn't shown any real signs of such a problem with bpd patients. i dont think either make it WORSE though, and the stigma definitely harms people from getting good treatment thus prolonging the shit they cause to everybody

@faggotracist1488 @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss >that's cbt the default
Hard no from me, thanks.

Sushi is nasty and should be banned under pain of improperly prepared fugu.

@TimeSpent @Tony @Alex_Fog @Red_Hat @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss i believe the "w-word" you're looking for here is actually "white"

@faggotracist1488 @TimeSpent @Tony @Alex_Fog @Red_Hat @BowsacNoodle @Hoss Neither of you have seen a happy little sushi roll and it shows.

@faggotracist1488 @Tony @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss The field is a mixed bag between genuine sociopaths who got into it because they like manipulating people, sociopaths who got into it for their own curiosity because they knew they were screwed up, and people who genuinely want to help (often because of bad experiences with people in their lives) and you seldom if ever know whe it's one of the first two. Oh and they can lie about you and get your rights partially revoked for no reason. At least a priest has vows they uphold that the court has said can't be violated.

Mentally ill people going into mental health is like criminals with a long rap sheet going into policing.

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent Criminals can make really good vice cops and pen testers, so I hear.

Pen testing is a little bit different, because it's using the same skillset to go legit.

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent "I actually ENJOY the act of stealing, and I need to pay bills but I don't want to go to prison and would prefer a really good cover story for why I drive around with a plasma cutter, a bump key, black rubber gloves, a full lock pick set, and a flipper zero in my front seat."

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent First time I read about pen testing I thought there was no way it was a real job. Insane.

Well it wasn't really until like 25 years ago.

@ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @Alex_Fog @Red_Hat @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent @Hoss i could go for some sushi right about now. or maybe some poke

If you're building a secure safe, you want someone who knows how people normally crack safes so you don't easily fall for the stuff most people would hit first.

(Though apparently all safes are designed to eventually be cracked, so they are set up to try to keep a determined thief out for a certain amount of time so your other stuff can take effect like security)

@sj_zero @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @Hoss It is literally impossible to make an impenetrable lock. The point is to make them inconvenient and slow things down for security. That's always the case. Regular door locks can be done in under 15 seconds with a bump key.

No lock is designed to be impenetrable as that's impossible. They're designed to take as long as possible for somebody unauthorized to access the contents of whatever it's securing.

I've spent enough time watching the lock picking lawyer to know that if that guy wants in your lock, it doesn't matter what it is you've only got 45 seconds for the most secure lock on earth, and he'll narrate it and he'll close it up and do it again to prove it wasn't a fluke in that time.

@Hoss @sj_zero @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent Or they're designed to look fancy but not do much of fuckall (usa market especially)

@faggotracist1488 @ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @Alex_Fog @Red_Hat @BowsacNoodle @Hoss I love poke too. I had some bomb kung pao tonight. The real deal not deep fried Ameri-trash.

>Sir would you like to apply for the position of CEO at Masterlock? You seem to have a profound understanding of the market case for our product lines.

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent @sj_zero I should go into pen testing actually, considered it a while back but not seriously, just watched a ton of defcon and toool type videos

I unironically think if you're in the market for a lock that works you want to buy from a company that sells a lot of product in places where people steal anything that isn't bolted to the ground.

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent @sj_zero Why yes, I buy all my locks from Zimbabwe.

Well it sounds like the gold they're backing their new currency with has miraculously not been stolen yet, so there's that.

It seems to me that the old saying is true: "Locks are for keeping honest people out".

@Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @sj_zero moving back here was crazy because i forgot just how chunky the locks are. double very thick doors two types of keys, with judging by the keys a fair amount of pins, have to turn like 3-4 times around per door
in the much more dangerous than here and definitely worse than average there part of the states i lived in this was just like a thin door with very very shitty lock standard and like a single term bolt with just as weak a lock which i kid you not broke off at one point

genuinelly what the fuck is wrong with the american markets? atleast it makes for funny videos when they are trying to ram the door down of the one guy with a strong door and lock

@faggotracist1488 @Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent @sj_zero Ignoring the fact that practically no American locks have security pins or anything like that, kwikset smartkey locks (pretty common now) use zinc internals. I present your lockpick sir:

@ForbiddenDreamer @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @TimeSpent @Hoss @sj_zero what i find amusing is those shitty glass sliding doors so many homes there seem to have in the back like literally just jiggle it a little forcefully and that shitty latch will pop open 9 times out of 10.

@ForbiddenDreamer @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @Hoss @TimeSpent @Tony @sj_zero of course i would never never condone breaking and entering, but...

I already maxxed out my lockpicking in Skyrim.

That's why you put the anti-nigger stick in the door tracks after locking it.

btw i followed hoss when he had 400 followers. 700 later he still doesn't follow me.

Not mad, but slightly offended tbh

@Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @sj_zero yeah but americans aren't usually that smart
people in general are quite stupid actually, even if not to the same extent

Well, I've never had somebody beg before. Request granted.

Thanks, im not above begging and i appreciate it

I already follow you.

entertain you? idk? maybe?

Just asking dreamer for more ball picks for your entertainment lol

@Hoss @Tony @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent @sj_zero we'll we're not mutuals anymore and i haven't even sent you a request 😏
i'm just cool like that

Did you make your boner necro yet?

@Red_Hat @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss No. I've been finishing an art thing. I got it done so probably saturday. I made a barb for my friends. I think I only got like 12 levels.

I shall zip you along on my drood.

What arts you working on now?

Wow, looks great! Medium?

@Red_Hat @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss Did this one on the art tab so fully digital. Spent about a billion hours watching asian shows and slowly making the scene in "oils" then blending and detailing. The background is loosely from my Teton trip.

@Tony @TimeSpent @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @Hoss @sj_zero She has all the pics, ask her to send a few innit.

i told her dms are open but she didn't reciprocate so idk man

@TimeSpent @Red_Hat @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss Oh man I gotta see the Tetons sometime, that keeps finishing second or third on the list every summer.

@yockeypuck @Red_Hat @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss Beautiful. Easy hit with Yellowstone. We did 4 days backpacking Glacier, then Yellowstone and Tetons.
I do 2 backpacking trips a year but I throw in a good roadtrip with each to see the world.

i bet you drive a subaru too don't you

@Tony @ForbiddenDreamer @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @Hoss @sj_zero I closed my dms. That shit just brings me drama and I hate drama.

id open my dms for you uwu

Narrator: Precious lied as easily as she breathed.

> I hate drama.

> is on fedi

can talk to some cool people .. but so many are dramatized fucktards ..
lurk and see

lol look at this wetodd acting like her lurks smh. amateur

@TimeSpent @Red_Hat @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss Fockin love Glacier simple as. Yellowstone has too many non-Whites until you hike for days.

Using a wacom or tablet, or the good ol mouse?

@WilhelmIII @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @sj_zero I'm just a shitposter. I go where I giggle. Ppl cause me problems I mute them.

@Hoss @Tony @faggotracist1488 @Alex_Fog @BowsacNoodle @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero I actually did. Took a little to get there but I've been better for it.

This is the way.