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Let me get this straight

A global conspiracy, involving every country on earth for 40+ years in order to spread mind-control chemicals from planes is real

Yet climate change is false

Hey Republicans from The South: ever wonder why no one takes y’all seriously?


Headline Tennessee is trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes based on a wild conspiracy theory

Alex jones brain rot. Guarantee Tennessee republicans use campaign funds to buy alpha brain

We're not coming for your chemtrails

Since they're not real, what's wrong with banning them?
Seems like an easy way to make everyone happy.
Best-case scenario someone introduces a free rider on the bill that protects some local wildlife or something.

What would banning them actually entail though, if they're not real?

More regulation and oversight of the skies!
A whole lot of jobs could be created checking for chemical agents and certifying planes as "chemtrail free".
Heck, they might actually have to create and test chemtrails to study the difference.
Sounds like any other government program to me.

Sarcasm aside, I loathe bad legislation.
I haven't looked up the bill but laws generally work best when they're specific. Anything that's overly broad is easy to abuse and build a corrupt boutique industry around.
I'll probably check out the bill, I'm curious how they define chemtrail, I've seen many different (sometimes exclusive) definitions.
It could actually be a ban on activities like
cloud seeding, and other weather manipulation technologies which would be interesting.

They worked long & hard where I live, and finally won on getting flouride out of our water.

They will never give up.

To be fair, fluoride in drinking water really doesn't do anything, so it's a needless expense at best.

But chemtrails, that's the textbook example absolutely everyone points to for a crazy crackpot conspiracy theory... like the one thing that's obviously fake news. What's next, Texas mandates the wearing of tinfoil hats?

@flexghost I guess they don't get enough cold winter days when they can see their chem-breath when they exhale.

@flexghost They are in competition with the SC town that rejected solar panels because they feared they would suck energy out of the sun and kill their local vegetation...

@Tom Omg what

@Tom @flexghost I heard one where windmill such wind out of the air and affects air circulation. Sometimes I think these start as a joke -- but other people believe them and pass them on.

@Tom @flexghost

the article only insinuates they did that because of those fears

economic reasons (still bollocks) was in the end quoted

@pomnik_psa @flexghost Yeah, I'm aware of what they claim was their reason for blocking them. It doesn't change the fact that they blocked it for bullshit reasons, among which were the fears I mentioned.

That just shows they were at least smart enough to know they would be lampooned for the rest of eternity if they hadn't made it at least seem more reasonable.

@Tom @pomnik_psa @flexghost Then there were the various places that tried to ban dihydrogen monoxide (water) -- started off as a joke, but some people took it so seriously started petitions, etc. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dangers-dihydrogen-monoxide/

"I do not avoid women,Mandrake

I do deny them my essence."

Peace On Earth

(curse you,proportional fonts!)


I am not qualified to judge.

So,in an epistemological sense, I must defer to those who are.

On the other hand;

those who have worked tirelessly for decades on P.O.E. also focus on chemtrails, emf from their power meters, and such, spearheaded this.

We'll know in a a decade or so.

could be right.

but if wrong?

not like dental care is any priority in these united states.

I was army,
I've seen it.