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@sun wat

@coolboymew "being nice is more important than maintaining civilizational momentum"

Vitalik thinking this is an epic own lowers my opinion of him a couple points. Being "nice" is a great value only when you can afford it.

@sun @coolboymew
dependency loop there, saying conflict is necessary for success assumes "success" is defined in terms of "winning conflict" or something rather than "happiness" (which definitely doesn't come from said conflict

@ageha @coolboymew happiness is a top of the maslow hierarchy thing, if you place it at the bottom someone will just kill you and take your stuff

@sun doesn't the Jews have an insanely high ingroup preference in the end, so a lot of it is weird gaslighting?

You can see this with the shitting and whining about the "holy land" they don't even live in

@sun @coolboymew
that's not the same argument, "we need to be jerks sometimes because other people are jerks first

@ageha @coolboymew The actual issue I have with the screenshot is that being mean is never actually established as pleasurable but necessary

@coolboymew @sun Jews aren't a homogenous entity on that, ingroup preference tends to be sectional and opinion differs widely depending on *which* Jewish ingroup you're a part of

@sun @coolboymew
person a says "happiness doesn't matter, and vital striving and productive conflict (e.g. ww2 and it's mess of deaths, maimings, and trauma-induced alcoholic-wife-beating) are an end in themselves

@sun @coolboymew
the responder literally does say "being mean and causing suffering is good actually

you're assuming an "unpleasant but necessary to long-run minimise suffering" interpretation that the responder directly rejects

@ageha @sun what's the difference in the end? From the perspective of the endlessly altruistic, they're the same

@sun @coolboymew being "nice" forever is why things are so fucking shitty and repulsive and broken right now

@sun @coolboymew good catch
maybe this "republicans are weird" stuff is an anti-white dogwhistle

@jeffcliff @sun it's always been

The overall shitlib's ideology is a massive fucking "intersectional" mess of ideas right now. The feminists fell out of favor but the overall man hating from it is still completely omnipresent. The abnormal ingroup preferences, in which disfavor whites in general, has also always been there

For example, feminism has feel out of favor for the general "queer" stuff but if you noticed it's all of the same, it's literally still the feminism bullshit, the "muh white cis male" and etc. Basically nothing changed other than who's getting the top preferential treatment

@jeffcliff @sun it goes beyond politics, but it's completely right that the democrat party can actually control it to a certain extent. See how me too died quickly when joe biden got the nomination

>What's changed is Roe v. Wade, and the US supreme court being stacked with people who are totally willing to roll back women's rights utterly and completely.

The democrats literally had 2-3 times in history where they could have expelled it to law. Entirely their own fault and it's pretty much obviously being used as a carrot on a stick

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun
Which "women's rights" do you think the current #SCOTUS will revoke?

@ageha @coolboymew @sun you're just flat out lying

@Nudhul @coolboymew @sun
you either can't read (lex) or can't read (parse) and have this as your only response to anything

@ageha @coolboymew @sun "he LITERALLY says this!"

>he doesnt

sure thing retard

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun Didn't the demon rats already have the chance to make Roe v. Wade law. But they just decided not to, so they can scare monger libtards to keep voting for them?

@coolboymew @jeffcliff @sun if they didn't attack White males and gamers they'd still be atheist and not Nazis and Hillary most likely would've gotten elected. it's too late for the democraps to stop shit.

@coolboymew @jeffcliff @sun Obabo's second term literally destroyed any prior shred of credibility the dem part ever had.

@jeffcliff @sun

>metoo was a 2017 thing. A 2017-flash-in-the-pan meme hardly relevant in 2021, nevermind today

It was dying out but remember that Biden had metoo accusations leveraged against him. It was still being talked about before he got the nomination. When that happened, any accusations stopped, metoos pretty much stopped. Shitlibs got in line and praised the administration for teaming up with the accuser for yadda yadda, words out of some shitlibs I still frequented around that time. IIRC she later got memoryholed and thrown under a bus

> It's not their fault that the SCOTUS got rid of it

It is. Make it law or stfu. They had 2-3 chances of expediting it. They didn't

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun > It's a big deal for women to lose the right to interstate travel, the right to have bank accounts, and other things they are on the cusp of losing.

Jeff -- yOu Do ReaLiZe that if vaginers lose the "right" to interstate travel, that will directly lead to reducing the spread of COVID-19? This could be huge. "Yuge", even.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun no (European) civilization ever depended on vaginas traveling.

@jeffcliff @sun

>It WAS law of the land. the GOP got rid of it.

It wasn't law, it was a court case precedent. In the end, it was a precedent based on a really, really bad case, so the GOP got the opportunity to get rid of it. It wouldn't have happened if it was made law

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun This problem is directly resolved by the Trump SCOTUS repealing the 19th Amendment. Appealing to vaginers every fucking election is why politics is retarded.

> I realize the court cannot do that, but a man can dream.

"Children's stories" used to be bleak and awful. Shockingly dark.

Now they are all focused on being "nice" and happy endings.

Gets the noggin joggin

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun Jeff -- any and every man (who didn't get a vasectomy) is willing to kick The hornet's nest that is repealing the 19th Amendment.

Plus, you're safe up there in Greater Canadia. Your vaginers can still vote for unlimited street-shitter immigration (and all the exotic diseases they bring).

Wikipedia has no credibility.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun the supreme court basicly gave states the right to legislate the abortion issue for their selves, like indiana has compeltely banned it except under literally the exceptions that cruds always bitched about a life threatening pregnancy, rape or incest.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun why should women have the right to unilaterally kill unborn children?

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun via unlimited immigration from the Turd World, I agree.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun jeff what the fuck is wrong wtih you?

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun
Haha okay. And which judge has said this?

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun unfortunately for you i'm not going to be killed, i'm not even gonna die of natural causes, i'm gonna live a long time.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun
What have you based that opinion on?

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @sun

@coolboymew @sun
moon saying "in order to maximise happiness / minimise suffering, it's sometimes necessary to not play nicely, lest you be taken advantage of". that's just game theory "tit for tat

comment-writer instead says "happiness" doesn't matter and it's good to prioritise being "strong" and "productive" for glory of the fatherland, who cares that hurts people

@ageha @coolboymew I feel like Scott thought the person was saying that they liked being a jerk. That is was based on a personality characteristic rather than utilitarian conclusion.

@ageha @coolboymew that isn't how I read it but I could be wrong

@sun @ageha this is how I read it and I believe this ageha read it like Scott, hence the response. Which in the end makes the commenter pretty right about it, this is the common reading of people who think like the author, always

This is why they recently demonized "Karens" and "toxic masculinity"

They don't want people taking initiative.

@jeffcliff @coolboymew @lnxw37b2 @sun
When did they meet? What did they talk about?

@lnxw37b2 @coolboymew @jeffcliff @sun
To support impeachment would be a stretch. It shows that he likes the country of #Russia to some degree. Is that a crime! We're not in the #ColdWar anymore. #McCarthyism is over.

@jeffcliff @realcaseyrollins @coolboymew @lnxw37b2 not defending russia but the nuke stuff was directly after NATO made veiled nuke threats.

@lnxw37b2 @coolboymew @jeffcliff @sun
Fired for visiting #Russia? 🤔

@realcaseyrollins @coolboymew @jeffcliff @lnxw37b2 we should hold judges to a higher standard of... JUDGMENT than regular people. What he did demonstrated poor judgment considering his position.

@givenup @jeffcliff @lnxw37b2 @sun @realcaseyrollins I was mulling it on for 3 hours and the intrusive thoughts won

It's got an umbrella term which is Cultural Marxism. Everything is about bringing about the revolution and the ends justify the means. Once you understand this it makes sense.

@lnxw37b2 @coolboymew @jeffcliff @sun
These points do make sense, I agree 👍🏾


I’m defending Russia and that’s absolutely true

@coolboymew @jeffcliff @lnxw37b2 @realcaseyrollins

@coolboymew @sun
how can one otherwise read

a: "i value human happiness・reduction of suffering as primary goal, and derive other goals accordingly
b: "that's stupid. you shouldn't care about if people are unhappy・suffering; that doesn't matter. you should focus on fighting and being stronk and beating them and being the WINNER

@ageha @sun I currently pay some of the highest taxes in the first world to be getting completely fucked civilizationally and have my healthcare completely implode. We don't owe outsiders anything