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Linux /ˈlɪn.əks/
1. A piece or collection of software incorperating the Linux kernel; Android.
2. A piece or collection of software resembling the common Linux distribution; GNU/Linux.

Because a majority of people now use the second definition of Linux, the use of "GNU/Linux" is discouraged as it often comes off as redundant, pedantic, and uninviting, unless specifically referring to Linux distributions that use the GNU Core Utilities.

Notable Linux distributions that do not use the GNU Core Utilities include Alpine Linux and Gentoo in some cases.

@Linux_in_a_Bit I don't know anyone who refers to Android as Linux. Android is just Android...

Not to mention a wide variety of devices and platforms that make use of the Linux kernel but are not remotely what you might expect from a free software kernel -- everything from Android to smart televisions to cameras to light bulbs.

Ironically, proportionately speaking there's probably more locked down Linux devices than there are locked down Windows devices.

I fucking hate android. 😒

It's all relative. I would take Android before I take apple, but what I really want is a good desktop Linux phone distro.

My pine phone was unfortunately nowhere near there yet on any distro, but it even ran android like crap so I think there's room to grow...

I bought a keyboard for my pinephone and use i3wm on arch. I still can't get right click to work on the touch screen, but I mainly use ranger and nvim, etc., so it's not a huge deal. Basically, I have a tiny laptop that I can use to do work on the toilet.

Who does number two work for.... Right click furiously

Sounds like a shit job.

My solution for now was to add a keybind for right click. It's not perfect though.

Sounds pretty clever to me