FBXL Social

Just an FYI for folks being upset about the disabling of , @agregore comes with it built in and will be using manifest v2 as long as possible.

@mauve @agregore Can you update Agregore Mobile please?

@Hyolobrika @agregore I would love to but I don't have the money or time at thw moment. 😭

@mauve Was it disabled on chrome or something?

Your browser project looks cool!

@canteen @mauve it has to do with Chrome dropping manifest v2 in favour of v3 which is way more restrictive in what extensions can do. More info here: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/wiki/About-Google-Chrome's-%22This-extension-may-soon-no-longer-be-supported%22

@salvozappa @canteen Yeah! i have inplemented extension APIs for electron from scratch so I can maintain them manually as long as needed.

@canteen TY! Yeah it's unfortunate that Google killed off the ability for extensions to intercept arbitrary URLs. 😰

@mauve @agregore That's sad. I hope you get funding one day.

@mauve @agregore maybe @futo or @NGIZero could help

@Hyolobrika @agregore @NGIZero @futo Yeah it's just a matter of time. The initial work was funded by the Filecoin Foundation. I'm trying to figure out how to pitch the work. Some folks I work with want to do work with indigenous groups in south america where we'll be doing p2p stuff, but for that we'll probably make a targetted mobile app.

@mauve @agregore @NGIZero @futo FUTO will probably fund you. They are very in favour of free internet stuff.

@Hyolobrika @agregore @NGIZero @futo Yeah that'd be cool. Unsure if I qualify at my scale but might as well give it a shot! Also I daily drive Agregore Mobile already thiugh not so much the ipfs stuff