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this isn't just democracy - effecting votes by paying off people who make decisions is corruption.

Democracy ironically was considered more immune to this because the amount of spending required to move the needle is considered higher.

@sickburnbro Exactly. Which is why I've always rolled my eyes at Donald Trump and his supporters bitching and moaning about the stolen election. This is the guy who wrote "If you're not cheating, you're not trying" in his book about business. When cheating is part of the game and you lose at cheating that means you suck at the game.

@sickburnbro >student debt
>not home loans and property taxes

@caekislove @sickburnbro

Was there any truth to the election being stolen? We keep seeing stories about ballots to this day

@verita84eva @sickburnbro Just the fact that mail-in voting was unilaterally implemented across the country, without any real debate about its implications (exclusively favoring Democrats), is alone enough in my view to call the election "stolen".

There are many other things, such as mass-scale censorship, Zuck funding, 3am ballot deliveries, etc, of course.

@verita84eva @sickburnbro For the record, I don't believe that fair and legitimate elections have ever been a thing. The purpose of a system is what it does.

If it happened in Russia, American politicians and newspapers would be screaming "fraud."

@Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva Absolutely. Take that Baltimore bridge collapse, for example. It's been weeks and the wreckage is still there. They haven't even bothered to unload the wrecked freighter. All the wreckage of the bridge is still there, too. If this were any other country, there'd be political analysts on TV using it as an example of how they are a "failed regime".

@caekislove @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva I'd be interested if any foreign media is pointing this out. I understand American media is retarded but have a little more faith in the foreign media

@caekislove @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva Wait, they still havent cleaned up yet???

@caekislove @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva Everyone knows we're a failed regime, but until Joe Normie can't buy toilet paper he'll continue watching Nog ball and sucking down shitty beer.

@Shlomo @caekislove @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva Reminds me of the four eyed, double mouth black chick from the original battlestar galactica.

@Shlomo @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva Like I said in another thread, say what you will about the Chicoms, but if that had happened in Shanghai they'd have had the area cleared within days and would be well under way rebuilding the span, at this point.

My theory is that shit hits the fan when the AC goes off.

@caekislove @sickburnbro Exactly. Trump won the rube game, where you get more proles to show up and push a button on a Tuesday, but utterly failed at the higher, and more important level of the game, where you actually have equal or more loyalists in the system than the opponent, in order to get the votes counted in your favor.

It was decided before the first vote was cast. The aftermath was a low-budget script meant to fool people who noticed how tilted the system had to have been. They just needed to run the clock out. The 'kraken' story-line was a poorly-written joke.

You dont even know. People will go months on space heaters, but if the AC is down for two hours they piss and moan.

I used to run in the snow with shorts and no shirt, but if it hits 70F, I'm drenched in sweat. I'm that White.

Preach brother. I only sweat outta my face to unless I'm over exerting myself

Wypipo need deh AC.

@Shlomo @caekislove @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro @verita84eva I lowered the volume... but I didn't turn it off.

You ain't lyin. I grew up in swampy ass bullshit up in Michigan and we didn't get ac until i was like 16. It was fuckin miserable. We used to go to walmart to just enjoy some ac

Here I yearn for the days of 115 because I’m always cold

That must be so awesome. I can hand being cold but heat can fuck off

We hit 120° last year so yes, pissing and moaning is perfectly acceptable when the AC goes down.

Who do you think fixes your shit thats broken during that heat? I was immune to the heat.

@Dudebro @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Humpleupagus @caekislove @sickburnbro @verita84eva Our joke is you get six good weeks of weather a year here out of 52. Three in spring and three in fall and the rest are just dog shit. But it's very white here so that's nice.

The nigger fears temperature swings.

Not when your state is cold 8 months a year.

Michigan is only warm from june to part of September friend. Believe me i get it

Going out for a drive today I was thinking about it a lot, you see a lot of buildings, and I really question whether we could build those buildings today. Imagine these multi-story buildings made out of red brick, that's not how we build buildings anymore, we just put up some made in China girders, slap some made in China siding on it, fill it with made in China insulation, and Pat our cells on the back as to how great we are.

You look at multi-story red brick buildings, and I just don't know if we as a civilization are capable of doing this thing anymore. Most of the people who built these things are either retiring, retired, or long dead.

Talking about it now, it reminds me of the archaeological remains of the Harappan civilization. Archaeologists were able to tell the decline of the civilization because they went from being extremely well kept and well regulated and doing the right things and doing things in a sophisticated manner to later on being a lot sloppier in the way that they do things, not following rules that obviously existed before, and doing things in an increasingly less sophisticated manner until the civilization just up and disappeared one day.

The bronze age collapse is relatively unique in the fact that over the course of such a short period of time so many major civilizations completely disappeared, but that doesn't mean that it's the first or last time civilizations will collapse. Just a little while before the Western Roman empire collapsed people didn't remotely think that it could ever happen, they just thought that the empire would last forever. Until it didn't... On the other hand, from an anthropological perspective, it was quite obvious that the Roman empire had fallen from its peak...

@sj_zero @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Shlomo @sickburnbro @verita84eva IIRC the average age of empires if 250 years old. US was never meant to be an empire but the Brits have running us as such

@ThisFuckinGuy @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Dudebro @sickburnbro @verita84eva I live in an area that gets negative 10 to 20 F a week or so during the winter and 100 F routinely in summer. The humidity is 50% on a good day in the spring.

@VikingWays @caekislove @Humpleupagus @verita84eva I mean, what is he gonna do, get J6'd?

@sickburnbro @caekislove @Humpleupagus @verita84eva Anything is better than nothing

@VikingWays @caekislove @Humpleupagus @verita84eva well, I mean that's not really true though.

There is a balance to find, "do something" is what leads to covid lockdowns, but "nothing ever changes" leads to .. well covid lockdowns.

@caekislove @Humpleupagus @verita84eva iirc, the boat was pinned, so they don't want to start shifting loads until that is done.

@BobsonDugnuttHB @caekislove it was pretty obvious from the beginning that his plan was to show up and win and then he would get enough people in the GOP infrastructure to join his camp because they were sick of running old sad sack losers.

It's really a double edged sword. Societies come together out of some need. If they're successful they fill it, but in filing it, the later generations become detached from the real need that brought the society together, and therewith, begin to neglect the structures that served that need, which leads to collapse. Ironically, success is the cause of the decline.

Its the great mouse experiment. Struggle builds innovation and necessity. If we have nothing to struggle against we start to fracture and find things to struggle against that dont exist. Do you think an amish woman thinks about the patriarchy while churning or sewing?

Well-documented cycles throughout history... Ever thus...

Yes. She does. She thinks about how much butter they needs and how to clothe them. 😏

Imagine being amish and not having to worry about legal buttsex in Ukraine, niggers, or CNN/FOX watchers.

We seem to be in something strongly resembling that utopia rn...

Imagine how that amish pussy smells. 😬

Probably better than a feminists.


This guy does great videos and some of the details he mentions I've never heard before and they're chillingly accurate to our current society. Everyone focuses on the beautiful ones, but nobody mentions the genocidal ones.

Why, elephant fren, why?

Yeah I watched a huge deep dive on it.
>but mice arent humans
>why do we test human meds on them then

Were men

Like "were" wolves?

Farm-fresh and dairy rich...

Fun fact about that. The word were actually means man in the sense oh human because sexed language wasnt around when it was created.

The sad part is that the Amish really only exist because of the surrounding society. They'd likely have been crushed long ago but for the existence of the republic. They're not built for war or defense, and let's be honest.... except maybe where there's a natural barrier, that's been a central feature of every successful society.

Tl;dr the Amish don't have to worry about Ukrainian buttsex because we're taking that up for them.

*No facetiousness was used in the typing of this comment*

At least thats what I read. You were just human because languages were very simple before dictionaries and printing existed.

I hate the word gender and want to time travel to kill the jew who made it and people who keep retconning historic leaders to be faggots.

They seem to exhibit behaviors that are analogously close enough to human behaviors that may make such research somewhat useful...

Yep, they literally are conscientious objectors. Thats why the US lets them exist they are free range Whites to harvest some day.

As I mentioned, yes the "beautiful ones" who groom and groom but never actually leave are one group, but the group that go around attacking anyone still trying to keep the mouse population from dying out are the really interesting ones, and very few people point out that we've got entire groups of people advocating for genocide of the human race at this point.

Thanks! Black pills can be educational...

The beautiful ones also flat out refuse sex in case of vanity. They also all lost maternal instinct.

John Money.

Yeah we just have to hope we are large enough the rural ones can escape unlike in the experiment.

See: Tik Tok, OnlyFans, et al...

I wonder how they're doing in light of compulsory education law and Wisconsin v. Yoder. Are their kids getting rainbow flagged in public school or are the states forcing them to add fags into their private school curriculum?

No idea, I would garner they are doing some progressive shit because they are allowing tractors and cell phones in some groups now. Whats worse is the women have cell phones.

>American occupied government
>Spending tax dollars on infrastructure
Sorry chud, that money is for infinity niggers and tranny pills for kindergarteners

Columbia gives me hope. It's proof that you can call something a country, but nonetheless, the diplomatically recognized government doesn't control all of the land.

Also the women who have cell phones have less children on average than those who dont. Its unironically proof womens rights causes birth decline.

The heart of many fallen empires often stop believing in governments altogether, and so different structures take over. It's one reason why the mafia is so powerful in italy.

@Dudebro @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Shlomo @sickburnbro @verita84eva @sj_zero yeah my grandma didn't have a cell phone or birth control and had 9 kids lol Doctor refused to fix her back in the day bad women's rights

@Humpleupagus @caekislove @Dudebro @JedDrudge @Shlomo @sickburnbro @verita84eva @sj_zero regions matter - when countries go full tyrant it's proof that nation-states are bogus

Now they have no kids, back problems, a multitude of medications, and insurmountable debt. Yay wumuns rights

Well.... I'm listening to Styx. 🤷‍♂️

>listening to Styx

My wife thought "Midnight Ride" was "Big Nut Ride." She really needs to get her mind out of the gutter. 😒

Women are such perverts. We are just pieces of meat to them.

The struggle is real.

They don't even consider the fact that we have feelings. Those feelings are anger and hunger, but we have them.

I feel a lot of self-amusement.
And sometimes I just want a backrub and a cuddle.

Them backrubs tho

@Humpleupagus @caekislove @Autumn @Shlomo@poa.st @sickburnbro@poa.st @verita84eva @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net True indeed

@KennyWhitePowers @ChadleyDudebro @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Dudebro @MCMLXVIIOTG @Autumn @Shlomo @verita84eva @sj_zero they do, that's why they understand the importance of making a sandwich.

Mostly false, for the 19-25 demographic.

@ChadleyDudebro @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Dudebro @KennyWhitePowers @MCMLXVIIOTG @Autumn @Shlomo @verita84eva @sj_zero I was speaking to wahmen, in general. I don't think women in that age range are good for proving much of anything except showing how culture can destroy women

are they pissing on the floor? Seems like good times

they pee standing up ..and now we pee sitting down

My prostate is giving me problems already so I piss sitting down due to that

did you have one of those GFs that told you ''if i was a man i would pee everywhere'' but then demanded you sit down

True story. When I was young, I got wasted on Halloween night and thought that the cauldron full of candy in the corner of the room was the toilet. Good times!

asserting Dominance ..Nice

My cat didn't ask me to do that. She just loved me unconditionally

there are studies that show that sitting down to pee

is like the worst thing you can do for your prostate

but squatting is pretty effective for strengthening it

I'll take that information with me next piss

just squat up and down while you pee

It's like kagels for your balls.