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Lol 🤣 Anyone who fucking says shit like, "It's really simple logic" is a babbling fucking idiot bafoon that has their head so far up their ass they can't see daylight. Fucking retard you're embarrassing to other retards

Is that also a "undeniable fact" 🤣🤣🤣

Oh what do we have here? Another lame fucking idiot who's thinks I'm upset. How fucking stupid are you both ? When you lose games, your dumbass is probably celebrating it like a victory because you think you won 🤣

I don't lol y'all retards are obsessed with them apparently

Nope. What the hell gives me a jew vibe lol

If I was Jewish. I'd be rich. and I'd be doing better shit then talking to you right now

Um excuse me sir? I belive in christ

I was baptized catholic

agnostic don't make it complicated

nope. haven't been out of the states yet

omg dude I'm not fucking Jewish !

cause I'm fucking not lol

I don't think so are you ?

it's funny how you think you're creative and silly. You're not

Fucking why though lol

correct I am not

I'm not fucking Jewish though lol

huh -_-