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@aral Economic bubbles such as the bitcoin bubble are fueled by policies such as what we're seeing right now: Massive monetary and fiscal stimulus inevitably leads to people spending huge amounts of resources on ridiculous wasteful things that look like they'll make a profit.

This isn't new. It happens every time. In the 1920s unprecedented lax monetary policy caused a boom in investment in farmland that didn't have access to water. That led to the environmental catastrophe known as the dustbowl and ultimately to the great depression. There are presently entire cities in china filled with buildings that are slowly degrading because of a bubble in real estate there. the 2007 financial crisis led to entire residential zones sitting half-built to this day.

But the problem is that it's win/win for the politicians. The politicians on the right get to have their economic growth fueled by bubble economies (remember that the first stimulus checks were sent out by none other than George W. Bush and financed by debt), and the politicians on the left get to have their cake and eat it too -- they get to spend money nobody has on whatever their pet cause de jour is, and they get to further ecological catastrophe they can then run against while simultaneously doing nothing meaningful against it because all their policy ideas come from the same lobbyists who are working on behalf of the companies making billions off of destroying the earth.

And the lobbyists aren't just whispering in the ears of politicians, they're whispering in your ears too. Where do you think your own mainstream ideas come from, the same ideas at the same time as a whole bunch of other people?