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New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago

But hey, those records Joe *never had the authority for× were sitting in his Vette, and that’s OK, nothing to see here folks.

Ffs the hypocrisy and lies.

Rules for thee, not for me.

So much effort to frame Trump, he scares the establishment so much. Pretty damn clear.

Steele Dossier fabricated by Hilary and friends, with clear evidence of such, since 2017. This nonsense over presidential records, which every president has done (and Joe did pre-emptively!).

The establishment (neo-cons, democrats, etc) have turned the US into a banana Republic… It’s just a matter of time now before French Revolution II occurs in the States.

“Frame Trunp” lol

It’s hard not to feel like most of his fanboys knew nothing about him before he ran for president. He’s a lifelong conman and proud of it. Did no one read his book? I did in the 90s and could tell this dude is the Steven Seagal of business.

Why defend this guy? There are plenty of conservative politicians who aren’t total pieces of shit with awful track records. It’s surreal that you elected a reality TV star to the highest office in the country and now you want to do it again.

@glimse @BearOfaTime Let's not pretend that the would villainize any conservative republican who won the nomination. If , , , heck anyone other than or would have won, you'd be saying the exact same thing today about that person.

Not to say that is 100% innocent BTW, if should be prosecuted for illegally having classified documents, so should . It goes both ways.

First off, what’s up with all the hashtags? Your comment looks ridiculous and it’s harder to read with links every other word.

Second, MSM would not be villainizing other candidates to this degree because Trump IS a villain. He’s the poster child for scummy businessmen…a caricature, really. I would not be saying the same things because I’ve been well aware of what a selfish asshole Trump is for 20 years…and he’s only gotten worse. Did you even read Art of the Deal? He’s an embarrassment to the country beyond his status as a disgraced politician.

You’re also forgetting that Biden handed those documents over willingly and without delay whereas Trump claimed he didn’t have them and then, when pressured, admitted he did have them but claimed he was allowed to. This isn’t even getting into the likelyhood that he was selling said documents to foreign actors. Now there’s mounting evidence that he tried to cover it all up. That’s your man? That’s who you think should run the country?


> MSM would not be villainizing other candidates to this degree because Trump IS a villain.

You're just parroting talking points here, not proving that I'm wrong.

> He’s the poster child for scummy businessmen…a caricature, really. I would not be saying the same things because I’ve been well aware of what a selfish asshole Trump is for 20 years…and he’s only gotten worse.

Then why was he so well liked while he was a businessman? Nobody hated him until the criticized him.


> You’re also forgetting that Biden handed those documents over willingly and without delay whereas Trump claimed he didn’t have them and then, when pressured, admitted he did have them but claimed he was allowed to.

So? The law doesn't care; the criminal activity is having the documents, not refusing to return them or lying about having them.


> That’s your man?

No, I've been criticizing during the entire presidential nomination process

> That’s who you think should run the country?

Not really, but he's way better than

I’m not parroting shit. Like I said, I’ve been following Trump’s shady dealings for 20 years. Clearly you haven’t.

He’s well-liked among two groups: the ultrarich because he makes them money with his schemes and the wannabe rich because they are willing to do anything to get ahead. He was never well-liked by other groups.


> He’s well-liked among two groups: the ultrarich because he makes them money with his schemes and the wannabe rich because they are willing to do anything to get ahead. He was never well-liked by other groups.

Do you have a source for this?

If you think that Trump is on trial just because he had the documents at all, you clearly are following the case about as much as Trump’s business history…as in… not paying attention at all.


> If you think that Trump is on trial just because he had the documents at all

...I don't? He's on trial for many things.

A source for what exactly? Public opinion?

You don’t have to @ me every time.

@glimse Yes. If it was public, you should be able to find, say three instances of that opinion being espoused.

Unless it was like a super secret public opinion that nobody said out loud?

@realcaseyrollins @glimse

Like... the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Ziyon?!!

@realcaseyrollins @glimse

In fact, it has been non-stop legal cases without anything in common between them except being a presidential candidate.

@amerika @glimse Pretty sure that was pretty popular in , and served as the origins for the modern antisemitic conspiracy theories we see today.


@realcaseyrollins @glimse

As far as I can tell, Trump is popular among a range of social classes but also captured the college-educated conservative vote.

@amerika @glimse I would have loved to see him try to find one source corroborating his claim lol

@realcaseyrollins @glimse

I socialize with a lot of Leftists. At this point, Right and Left exist in different worlds.

Choice of media, choice of story of the day (the thing everyone talks about), vocabulary... it's all different.

So there are things that are not strictly "true" which are taken as fact because they are needed to keep up these political tribal identities.

It's odd and unnerving but I think only when the two sides are BOTH extremist do we get actual options.

That's been the case ever since Milo's "Feminism is Cancer" tour.

Milo is one seriously vile man but his tour was brilliant and served as one of the main catalysts for blowing up the campus narrative about the left being tolerant and peaceful. Everyone else followed his lead. Shapiro, Kirk, Owens...All road Milo's coattails to fame. But really, it was all Steve Bannon. He produced that whole tour. Pure brilliance.

Also, Milo's probably an intel asset.

@amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

I can promise you he very likely didn't write a word of that, or anything else penned under his name at Breitbart. For that you probably want to thank Allum Bokhari.


@amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

@truthbait @glimse @realcaseyrollins

Quite possibly true; I have enjoyed Mr Bokhari's writings on other topics so that would fit.

@amerika @glimse

> I socialize with a lot of Leftists. At this point, Right and Left exist in different worlds.

You'd be surprised. is a thing, but I think there's also a sort of inverse where people on the left and right converge on what ordinarily would be centrism or liberalism, but is now considered right wing due to the shifting . and are two really good examples of this.

@realcaseyrollins @glimse

I think that's probably accurate. JFK would be seen as an extreme Right-winger now!

Milo was a brilliant performer with only one real act. He became a reductive version of himself after the F.I.C. tour. As far as writing goes, he could best be described as a lazy dysfunctional drug addict and fame whore who crashed out owing numerous people outstanding debts, allegedly.

@amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

@truthbait @amerika @glimse I used to like him back in the day. He was a major reason why I ended up on the .

@realcaseyrollins @truthbait @glimse

I saw him somewhere in Texas. It was a good speech, very dramatic, but also kind of compassionate. He's talented whether just a presenter or a writer. He handled the Q&A well, but maybe the questioners were plants.

"maybe the questioners were plants"

They wouldn't need to be. Like I said, Milo is a brilliant performer/orator. Spoken word is is strong suit. Written word is his weak link.

@amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

@truthbait @amerika @glimse

> Spoken word is is strong suit.

It was until he fell too hard in his drugs and pretended to be straight for a grift to get a job at some network or something. Now nothing is his strong suit.

You’re talking to a white supremicist.

Their site makes it clear.

That’s the reason they’re citing a racist conspiracy theory.

The mods won’t ban him though, because that’s the kind of user they wish to court.

@LookBehindYouNowAndThen I'm not sure if he's a supremacist, more likely a racial separatist/"race realist". Wouldn't be shocked if he's racist, but yeah is quite the deep cut, and his alt-right views are probably the only way he even knows what that is (I only know what that is when I started researching the origins of the v. conflict and it came up as I was skimming )


In any case, his alt right views don't exactly map to this conversation, so I'll allow it for now.

If lemmy.world wants to ban him, they probably can, but he's on annihilation.social, which is a different instance entirely.

I don’t make excuses for white supremicists.

Guess you do.

How the fuck is a “racial separatist” not a racist?

Gotta love how this community puts the full depravity of conservatism on display for everyone.


> I don’t make excuses for racists.

I don't either! I do try to understand them though. They walk among us, after all.

> How the fuck is a “racial separatist” not a racist?

They're still racist; the difference is that a white supremacist thinks that white people are better than other people, and racial separatists think that all races are equal, but should be segregated from each other.

The mods have the power to ban anyone.

Notably, they don’t ban the guy who hosts a blog with articles titled things like Being White: The Gradual Epiphany of a True Believer and thinks the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true conspiracy.

I’ve been banned for some pretty stupid shit, but this guy is welcome. That should tell you everything you need to know about this community.

@LookBehindYouNowAndThen Report it to the mods. I'm on and I think he's on , so there's nothing I can do.

But I'm a freedom of speech homie so I wouldn't complain about it too much; if the speech offends you, you should be able to block or mute him yourself on your end.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen god thought the same thing wen he did tower of babel. mixing races is no good

@cunt @LookBehindYouNowAndThen the username checks out

Funny how you’re more charitable to this white supremicist’s views than you are for anyone to your left.

Last time we were having a discussion you misrepresented my views with every reply, but you’ve really dialed in the various flavors of racist, because those nuances are so important to understand.

Conservatives will ally with racists and fascists before they compromise with a lib.


> Funny how you’re more charitable to this white supremicist’s views than you are for anyone to your left.

This is an interesting take. You must not know me very well.

Have you seen my political commentary blacklist of bad faith actors? It's mostly people on the right.


> Last time we were having a discussion you misrepresented my views with every reply

Which convo was this?


> Conservatives will ally with racists and fascists before they compromise with a lib.

Part of me wonders if I'm even a anymore. I hate big government and a lot of them don't, and the people are pretty embarrassing to boot.

I have reported them.

The mods only care about banning people who make conservatives face reality.

They’re not going to ban this chode because they want him for a user.

@LookBehindYouNowAndThen I guess we'll see. It's very possible that it's a free speech community and they won't ban him, which is fine. He doesn't need to be banned.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

Conservatism is a philosophy, not a party. We are realists, the Left are anti-realists.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

> Conservatism is a philosophy

Fair enough; Conservatism is pretty broad so it can be as libertarian as it can be fascist.

I care too much about supporting small government and principles over people to want to associate too closely with the modern right, who I feel is increasingly okay with authoritarianism (look at their support of for example)

> We are realists, the Left are anti-realists.

That's kind of a childish way to view things.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen Examining political spheres of thought, I've been wondering if I'm not closer to than itself.


@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

More likely just classically liberal with some culturally Christian conservative leanings.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

I disagree; egalitarianism is an anti-realist philosophy.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen Possibly. My right wing social values will never change because the does, but I care most about the Y-axis on the . Can't get down with because that's too extreme for me, unfortunately

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen That's a different argument than the one you put forth though.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

Egalitarianism is the root of the Left; it is an ideology. Conservatism is a folkway, which means we prefer time-proven solutions, which requires measurement by reality not human judgment. This naturally leads to a need for social order on a case-by-case basis anchored in a few general principles instead of One Big Idea.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

Libertarianism is basically anarchy and that is dysfunctional.

But as an economic theory and a way of achieving indirect solutions it is great.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

> Egalitarianism is the root of the Left

Are you sure about this?

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

Yes. Imagine Leftism without egalitarianism.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

For me, getting away from Wikipedia is important. It's enemy propaganda. Britannica does a lot better for quality information anyway.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen Imagine a horse with two legs. Doesn't mean that four legs are what makes a horse a horse. That's a parts-to-whole fallacy.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

The core philosophy of the Left is egalitarianism; this is inherent in their origin both in the ancient times and in Revolutionary France.

"left, in politics, the portion of the political spectrum associated in general with egalitarianism and popular or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life."


@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen Interesting, I did not know that.

@realcaseyrollins @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

A couple more links:



These are about the philosophy, but you can see the divisions in Leftism from classical liberal through Communism play out in these arguments.

@amerika @LookBehindYouNowAndThen I do know about because it has influenced some denominations of unfortunately

Seems to me like as long as you're following your conscience and thinking for yourself it doesn't matter what you are labeled as.

Labels like that shift and change and some people expect you to shift and change with them, but do people really switch their beliefs on a dime like that? You believe what you believe, not what some label says you believe.

Moreover, the way the political statecraft becomes all encompassing is really harmful. "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" and "everything is political" are two sides of a coin we should melt down for scrap metal. For most of us, the most important questions aren't about some distant capitol, but what's around us and how we affect that.
