FBXL Social

I like how everything is supposed to be end-to-end authenticated/verified, unlike fedi

Can you elaborate on what you mean?

It relies on heavy "relays" that don't communicate with each other instead of node to node communication. I've heard the team say that they expect relays to be run by large organisations.

I don't mean encryption, I mean verification. I.e. making sure that data hasn't been tampered with.

I also like their composable moderation (in the works IIRC) and custom feeds.


Nostr and probably SSB are also end-to-end verified.

>The reason I think this point is so important is because too often users will think the system works one way and expect it to work that way when in reality it’s working a different way.
That certainly is an axe you grind very regularly on here. Particularly w.r.t. the US political system.

Relays talk to PDSs and App Views, not clients. You might be thinking of Nostr.

Relays suck up data from PDSs (IIRC),and App Views from relays.

AT Protocol Paper

But what if we can offer self-certifying data and self-sovereign identity. There are FEPs in the works by https://mitra.social/@silverpill (whose instance seems to be offline for some reason) that aim to add it.

There isn't really a single place where all these can be found, so I may be missing a few.
You can talk to @silverpill when he's online.