FBXL Social

@delta is it supported to self-host an email server for Delta Chat and have functional push notifications with the iOS app?

@feld yes, if you setup according to https://github.com/deltachat/chatmail?tab=readme-ov-file#chatmail-services-optimized-for-delta-chat-apps then iOS push notifications work automatically.

@delta but I don't want to run Dovecot+Postfix, for example. How would I do this with any other mail server? It's not clear what the specific technical requirements are for it work

@feld for the moment you will need to read the (small) source of chatmaild and adapt it to your server software and also do your own deployment .... Basically you need to read what is in https://github.com/deltachat/chatmail?tab=readme-ov-file#chatmail-services-optimized-for-delta-chat-apps .... What server software do you want to use?

If you're running a special server, why not just use XMPP or Matrix?

@Hyolobrika @feld a) email is way more.ubiquitous than xmpp or matrix b) chatmail is way less complex than a matrix server c) because that's what the people.involved the project decided they find interesting.

@Hyolobrika @delta XMPP is nothing but pain because of the XEPs and the client quality is REALLY bad on iOS. It's hard to express how bad it is. Truly.

Oh you want to be able to do attachments in your XMPP chat? Well now you gotta setup a webserver for that functionality...

With Delta Chat at least everything just works and it's only email. (insofar as you can stomach SMTP+IMAP+SPF+DKIM+DMARC+TLS configuration and deployment)