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This post started out as something completely different, and I found this inside of it.
In some ways, rationality is the perfect friend of postmodernism, because once you start questioning the irrational grand narratives, you have to ask about the grandest narrative for an individual: "Why live at all?" and hear back "Why indeed?" -- In this postmodern era, many people are choosing to very rationally end it. To live is irrational.

Ultimately the sun will use up its hydrogen and enter a helium cycle, and when that happens it shall stop being a yellow dwarf and will change into a red giant, swallowing our little ball of dirt and everything our little ape race has ever loved. The universe is hyperrational. It has rules that it follows, has followed, will follow, and it won't bend them for anyone. That's part of the problem of trying to be rational, the universe is so rational the answers it gives are without value, meaning, or sense.


The dark night on a clear lake, Northern Lights dancing on sky and sea, and the same doomed sky fills you with awe, and that's irrational. I will remember this forever.

The warm sun and breathe the sweet forest air, that same doomed sun makes you feel serene joy, and that's irrational. I will enjoy this all day.

The newborn's happy smile, that same doomed future blinds you it's so bright, and that's irrational. I will protect this smile.

It's the only way to live.

You can't logically derive your way to a good life. I need to listen to my heart and my gut.

How can something so beautiful make you cry? How can something so tragic make me laugh? Quit trying to understand it.

We're nuts. Have a little irrational faith.

Don't get me wrong -- irrationality is where you can find the deep meaning of life, but rationality is where you make the decisions to be able to get out there and enjoy it. Sit at home eating cake and playing video games all day because it feels good, and you're embracing your irrational desires, but you do need to plan for the future. You rational self is the one that keeps your irrational self from jumping off of buildings "because maybe I can fly today?", and makes sure there's grain for next season. To achieve what your irrational heart desires, you need to do what your rational brain demands at times.

We can't live on bread alone.

Yeah, just the fact that we exist is irrational in a supposedly perfectly ordered universe.