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Maybe AI is going to kill Open Source ideas?

People like sharing with other humans. They don't like creating a thing for an "AI" to ingest for the sake of boosting a company's stock price

@threalist we have our own models too

but I have yet to understand what the value of GPT coding assistants are

wish I had tried during the job though just to see how long I could farm out the trash work before anyone noticed lol

Saw someone suggest that a lot of coding work now is reviewing/fixing garbage junior level code.

With AI you remove the junior coder and just review the garbage AI code instead

@threalist i use nim so the off-shelf code things aren't really a thing i can use. i think the AIs are only good at writing boilerplate badly, but you could just use a good language instead and not write boilerplate

@threalist like right now my maximum resistance task is walking a parse tree and generating a different tree from it and i'm pretty sure GPT isn't going to be able to do that because this isn't the kind of shit it could have copied from a stack exchange scrape

that being said i do think something like upgrading kiwix to use a neural search instead of xapian would be *quite* productive, since offline searchable copies of stack exchange are indeed quite hype.

@icedquinn@blob.cat @threalist@social.fbxl.net

I've never before coded in Python but now I am.

I'm just mid though. That's ok, most devs are mid.